pumpkinhead's Un-Tribute to JRK

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Welcome to my blog!

Seeing as the Ultimate Betrayal petition website has been hijacked by stupid H/H fangirls, I have decided to move my argmuments to my own blog website. I appreciate what snowy has done for our True fan movement, but unfortunately, the medium of an online petition is not properly suited for proper revolutionary community-based action against the betrayal by JRK.

If you haven't heard, my new name for JKR is JRK, because it sounds more like what she is, a JERK. I'm sorry if that hurts your little wor-shipper ears but sometimes the truth is uncomforting to the willingly blinded.


  • Um, isn't your blog supposed to be for your fellow delusionals? Why, then, are you saying that they made be blinded by the term 'JRK'? Which is physically impossible, but whatever.

    Anyway, I'm struggling to understand your mushy pumpkin mind. How are YOU a 'true fan' when you've turned against Jo? You've turned against Harry Potter, so that makes you a 'true fan'? Maybe you don't know what that phrase means. Lemme help.

    fan= An ardent devotee; an enthusiast.

    THAT means someone who LIKES something. You with me so far?

    true= 1. Real, genuine.
    2. Faithful, as to a friend, vow, or cause, loyal.

    Maybe in your world, to be loyal means to go around creating web sites and petitions against the object of your loyalty.


    Help me to understand, pumpkinhead.

    As always, your mind is made of mushy pumpkin ...


    P.S. Have you noticed that NO ONE CARES about your website? I'm only here for the mockery, the laughs and the crumpets. Tallyho!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:44 AM  

  • Did anyone say crumpets? :-D

    Crumpets and blackberry jam... yum.

    Hooray for the H/Hr crazy fan mockery!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:04 AM  

  • dude is hie thing a joke or not.
    you can't do a petition an change the book. your petition will be worth ess then chicken crap

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:08 AM  

  • This blog post is funny because pumpkinhead talks about the ultimate betrayal petition as being "hijacked by stupid H/H fangirls"... which, funnily enough, is a group to which pumpkinhead belongs. So really, we don't need to hang shit on pumpkinhead, because he/she/it is doing a very good job of it themselves!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:02 AM  

  • quote from Goblet of Fire: pg 376

    "Well if you don't like it, you know what the solution is, don't you?" yelled Hermione; her hair hair was coming down out of it's elegant bun now, and her face was screwed up in anger.
    "Oh yeah?" Ron yelled back. "What's that?"
    "Next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!"

    So as a matter of fact, the whole purpose of Hermione dating Krum was actually to make Ron jealous, and besides, Hermione knew that Harry had his attentions fully set on Cho Chang, so Hermione knew that he was truly taken. Hermione and Ron on the other hand, who do everything together, and are both truly unattached, are perfect for each other.
    Now if you could just support your evidence with quotes, it may just make what you and Otter Snow are trying to proclaim just a little more credible.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:05 AM  

  • Jonathon, I truly wish Snowy would follow your example - the last time he/she/it was asked to back up his/her/its claims about the H/Hr ship, the response was "read the books". What, so we're supposed to look for non-existent hints at a relationship? Their stupidity is incredible!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 AM  

  • *rolls eyes* Snowy, for goodness sakes, rather than having a go at us, telling us we're delusional, try proving to us that you aren't delusional by posting some quotes which back up your claims! Telling us to "read the books", as if there's some obvious clue, doesn't help at all because we've all read the books many times and can only see foreshadowing of a Hermione/Ron relationship.

    And quit it with the dictionary thing - I at least took the liberty of checking with a dictionary website whether or not the word existed; it is unreasonable for you to expect me to search every single dictionary website on the Internet to find a word that you use and I don't! You truly are a dickhead, deary, and you have some serious growing up to do.

    Just out of curiosity, how old are you?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:58 AM  

  • Grow up and accept that it's not going to happen, you pathetic liffle fangirl.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:32 PM  

  • My, aren't we just so mature, little Snowy! I have already admitted I got that word wrong (it was right at the bottom of the page, and it is a word I have never heard anyone use until now). It's funny, you get things wrong all the time (saying that the H/Hr ship was obvious, for example) and the moment we prove you wrong we all get shouted down. The moment any of us get something wrong (like a spelling word - completely unrelated to the H/Hr ship - and you were telling me to stick to the topic!) you run with it as hard as you can to hide the fact that you have no evidence to support your opinion! If anyone needs pity, little girl, it is you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:44 PM  

  • WOW, look at all the support you have, pumpkinhead!!!

    Why would you try and get support from a petition where NO ONE agrees with you? Other H/Hr fans are most likely much too embarrassed to come to this site ... they're probably insanely pissed off that you make them look delusional and idiotic.

    Go the H/Hr-ers who only believe in fanon!! At least they have brains ... as opposed to mushy pumpkin ...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:30 AM  

  • Seriously Snowy and/or Pumpkinhead, why are you guys so totally incapable of giving us EXAMPLES from the books to support your so-called "evidence" that Harry and Hermione will get together? And if you hate Miss Rowling so much, then why read her books? Once again, my suggestion for battling your clearly over-obsessive compulsive disorder with Harry Potter is to READ OTHER BOOKS! Along this glorious path you will find books by Douglas Adams, Lemony Snicket, Stephen King, Roald Dahl and if you like, J.R.R. Tolkien. Then, once you realise that those booksare just as good, your unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter will fade away, and you will achieve normalness. And you won't even need therapy!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:00 AM  

  • I can see how Harry and Herimone can get together, but it's all how you read it. However, YOU pumpkinhead and YOU most of all snowy are giving us harmony shippers bad names. Why can't you be happy for the characters, grow up, and get over it? Most of us have. Banning book 7 will NEVER happen.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:13 PM  

  • Pumpkinhead, you're giving H/Hr shippers a bad name, as is Snowy. Jo has said that Ron and Hermione will be together in Book 7. If you REALLY hate it THAT MUCH, maybe you just shouldn't read Harry Potter anymore, because if the ships are so important to you, you're reading it for all the wrong reasons. I UNDERSTAND that you are upset that Harry and Hermione will not be together, as I would be if Ron and Hermione were not going to be together, but you need to GET OVER IT. The romance is just a subplot. Why aren't you more concerned about the Horcruxes, or Dumbledore's death, or the fact that SNAPE IS A DEATH EATER? Ultimately, does it really matter who ends up with whom? Harry loves Ginny. She's "his ideal woman" as Jo Rowling said, and Ron and Hermione obviously have something, as you can see at least since book 4, if not since they end of book 3. Do you want things to be YOUR WAY, or do you want the characters to be happy?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:54 AM  

  • Oh, and I almost forgot:


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:56 AM  

  • As the Grey Lady has already quite rightly pointed out, there were a hell of a lot more things that were a lot more important in that book. We now know the secret of Voldemort's immortality, that Harry now has the task of destroying what remains of Voldemort's Horcruxes, we have the question of whether or not Snape is a Death Eater, we have the death of one of the really most important characters in the book's series. Do you know that websites exist which mourn the passing of Dumbledore? THAT is understandable. However, what makes no sense at all is your apparent outrage that Harmony did not happen. And even more bizarre, you, along with Otter Snow, base your theories, not on the books, but the MOVIES. Jeez, where do you think the movies come from? Do you think Christopher Columbus just snapped his fingers and said "Wow! What an idea for a film! A school of wizards!" J.K. Rowling is responsible for the books, in fact she has the whole plot for every single book in the series stored in her head. Therefore, it follows that she knew Ron/Hermione would happen long before shippers in the Harry Potter series even existed. Oh yeah, and QUOTES! For God's sake give us decent quotes and do not hide behind pointless abuse! And now, for a haiku

    Face it, you moron,
    Hermione loves Ronald,
    That ain't gonna change.




    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:18 AM  

  • For what it's worth, "signer" is on dictionary.com. Although it's primary meaning is "one who can use sign language," it's secondary meaning is "someone who signs and is bound by a document." (it is debatable how exactly anyone who signed Snowy's petition is bound by it)

    However, as someone who likes to make up words (within reason), I don't see anything wrong with adding an "er" to a verb.

    Okay? You're both right. Now let's just drop the "signer" thing. It really isn't important to the debate.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:00 PM  

  • I already admitted I made a mistake (it's not a word I use, nor have I heard anyone else use it before), yet this argument is still being carried on by the militant H/Hr shippers? Surely the time spent thinking up these insults would be better spent on actually finding proof in the books to back up your claims, because you sure as hell haven't given us any proof yet! Oh wait, that would be thinking logically... something I doubt the militant H/Hr shippers are familiar with!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:16 PM  

  • It seems to me that yes, we all "worship" JKR, or as you like to call her, JRK. But don't you also worship something...your ship, Harry/Hermione?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:34 AM  

  • Nice try, Anonymous (whoever you are), but there's a big difference between "worshipping" and "shipping."

    Perhaps you could try dictionary.com? Trish Signer certainly worships that place.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:37 AM  

  • Wow, the same insult twice in the same thread, which brings the total number of repetitions for today alone to FIVE! Like I said before, Snowy, you have NO originality. Kindly come up with something better. Something funny might be good too!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:13 PM  

  • I have to admit, this is rediculous. So what if someone hadn't heard the word signer before? This is totally and completely IRRELEVANT. This is not a spelling bee, this is supposedly a discussion of Harry Potter, although I am beginning to doubt that.

    This is a general message to Snowy, pumpkinhead (or whatever your name is), and other people with similar views:

    GET. OVER. IT.

    Look, I am sorry that you were dissapointed by the romance or lack thereof in HBP. I, as a Moonlight shipper, can share your dissapointment in wishing that Harry went out with a different girl. However, I have the maturity to recognize that this is not what happened, and not what JK planned to happen. I realise that a Harry/Luna ship would not have worked within the context of HBP. I have therefore become a loyal Harry/Ginny supporter, not as much because I think they would make a good couple, as because that is the way JK wanted it to be and I want the characters to be happy.

    Clearly you lack this maturity. I really don't care that you interperted the text differently and wanted a different outcome in HBP, however delusional it may have been. I am a lot more concerned, however, that not only do you continue to support a ship that is as sunk as sunk can be, you are being incredibly rude to the author of the characters that you so passionately want to be together. I am embarrassed that any person who calls themself a fan could act in such a disgusting way.

    I hope for your sake that you can one day grow up and be a normal person.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:19 PM  

  • Oh sure the truth hurts. Sucha as



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:52 PM  

  • Anger management, soap, and common sense. You need em. Get a grip on yourself. If you can read, you know your ship has sunk. Get over it. A true fan wouldn't call JKR a jerk and start cussing at people because he/she is so upset about one of JKR's plot choices. I mean, c'mon...it's HER books. What's wrong with you? Are you managing this website from a crazy house? People like you, cussing at other fans and making insignificant petitions to JKR (note: JKR not JRK), give Harry Potter fans a bad rep, and really, you aren't even a real fan, so shut up k?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:38 PM  

  • Oh, and SUPPORT BOOK SEVEN. If you don't, you're definitely not a true fan. In fact, you never were if you give up on JKR now.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:40 PM  

  • First of all, I'm not trying to insult you or your ship. I just can't see why you're making such a fuss. It's not like JKR hoped to cause you pain, she just wrote her books they way she wanted to. She dissappointed a lot of slashers too, but they're not trying to petition against the seventh book. They're just fictional characters and in the end the only love that really matters is the love you have for other real people. If you apply all of your ideas on what makes a perfect relationship to real life and meet success, congratulations! But JKR is well within her rights to apply her views on relationships and human behavior to her books, and according to millions of people she's doing a great job!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:54 PM  

  • Ducky, very well said. Unfortunately, pumpkinhead will more than likely ignore you (after all, you are being rational, and pumpkinhead can't handle that); as for Snowy, she would accuse you of being rude because you aren't a hardcore, delusional H/Hr shipper like she is. Such a shame, because you made an excellent point - they're Jo's books, Jo's characters, Jo's everything - and when all is said and done, their wish for H/Hr won't change the outcome of the series.

    Seriously, pumpkinhead, Snowy - visit http://www.fanfiction.net and enjoy the fanfics - they'll have the pairing you want without ruining the HP series for everyone else!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:01 AM  

  • She's been planning R/Hr since before book one. Why don't you support the books instead of trying to get them banned. Oh, and by the way did you think you could actually get book 7 banned? Talk about delusional!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:57 PM  

  • One of the hugest mistrials of all time has occurred. Harry and Hermione have been torn apart by an author who listens to the clamoring of R/H fangirl shippers. Instead of following this central plotline of the books through to its beautiful concluding page, JRK (the JERK) has flipped things around on a whim. This blog site is dedicated to speaking the truth into power and not backing down from those who are using the phrase "delusional" as a weapon against True Fans.

    tell me again how you differ from the pack of the "freak Fringe" known as the H/Hr shippers? Please, you're as insane as your fellow delusionals. You call yourself a fan, no you ALL call yourselves true fans when you sit there and complain about your pairing not coming out.

    Let me give you a clue, sweety; JKR has said said H/Hr will not happen and since she is the author, that means what she says goes. She is likened to GOD.

    You say that Harry and Hermione were torn apart because JKR listened to a bunch of R/Hr fangirls? Please, you're giving me far more ammo than I need. Anyone who thinks that JKR is writing solely based off what we say apparently needs to have their brain checked. JKR just recently started getting into the internet, she's been writing the books to what she's had in her head since she started. She has stated this over and over again and beat us over the head with Ron/Hermoine without an end. Harry/Ginny was a little subtler, but it was also there since the beginning.

    remember a couple of quote from the great Goddes JKR? "I think trains are romantic. My parents first met on a train." and acoording to JKR, the girl HArry will end up with has been through all the books. That only leaves Hermione or Ginny. Both met harry on the train, but Harry met Ginny first at the train station and hermione second, which can only give you one conclusion, since JKR said Harry and HErmione were "very platonic friends".

    She has been planning it all and you're pissed off that you completely missed it because you were too busy obsessing over something that couldn't possibly exist.

    Congratulations, you've just confirmed that the grand population of H/Hrs are indeed a bunch of psychopathic imbeciles.

    and because I don't care if you spam my email or rant about my happy ass, my name is Ehren Hatten.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:05 AM  

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