pumpkinhead's Un-Tribute to JRK

Thursday, July 28, 2005

My first petition posting

If you haven't seen the Ultimate Betrayal petetion or don't feel like wading through all the garbage there now, here is a copy of my first posting there, which has inspired so much positive feedback from True Fans and hate from others. I realize the very first of the sentences is melodramatic but that is how I feel! (click the "read more" link for the full post!):

OMG JKR HOW COULD YOU? Your new initials should be JRK because that sounds like "jerk" which is more closely alligned with your brain now that the travesty of HBP is apron us.

I can't belief you would do this awful writing to us. How couldn't Harry and Hermione get together, like we all know they must eventually do? Why have you destroyed this love story which are the best of all the parts in the entire series?

Us true fans will never read your books again. Maybe I will save book 6 from the fire oven but I think you would be lucky to hear me ever reading it again.

When I was waiting for Half Blood Prince I couldn’t wait and I telephoned my friend Jake in England and asked him who died and more important, if H/H were together yet or if it was not until book 7 that they loved. He told me about R/H and H/G and I cried for an hour about how you killed off the best romance of all time, seemingly forever. I couldn’t understand because of how you twisted the story around and ruined it so mostly and entirely.

When I went through the book store party and told all my fellow REAL FANS about the “secrets” in your travesty of a sixth book, they were also so angry and couldn’t possibly comprehense why our beloved JKR (oh, sorry, I mean JRK) would write such words of deception. The non fans, the pathetic R/H shippers and the people who follow JRK along every path she takes them no matter how inaine, kicked me out of the store, the owner was an R/H shipper and didn’t want me telling people the truth about you and your hijacked book, JRK. But now you see from this petition that your TRUE Fans, ie: your EX-Fans, are as innumerous as they are angry.

My reading of the entire HP books is now down in flames, all my experiences of imagination – experiences in fiction unlike you will ever be conscience of - are now destroyed because of your vastly overpublished knife twisting known as HBP.

One can only hope that you are satisfied with what you have “accomplished” with your books? Have you satisfied your craving for bizarre love plot twists that would make a daytime soap opera writer blush in shame? Harry and Hermione not being together, is practically like Harry’s long lost brother coming back from a UFO abduction and then marrying Narcissa. In fact I think I saw that plot once, the show was called “As the Muggle World Turns Insane Thanks To JRK’s Stupidity.” It’s like you have been abducted by a UFO yourself and they forgot to return you your writing part of your brain.

Good luck selling book 7, unless its to the garbage bin in which case I know you won’t need luck. If you see the light, as in if somebody around you casts Lumos and you can finally see the pages on which you are even writing this so called love story of R/H, maybe you will puke like I am doing and you will have to throw those pages out. Don’t buy any Pepto Bismol please, you need to barf all over your own manual script for book 7 so you can THROW IT OUT and fix everything to the best of your ability. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you realize you have to write your way out of this giant plot whole (R/H) that you have created in your story arc.

Bye bye JRK

PS: as in, NOT “buy buy” – cause I’m not buying anything from you or your people ever again.


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