pumpkinhead's Un-Tribute to JRK

Thursday, July 28, 2005

My controversial third posting at Ultimate Betrayal petition

Additionally to my first post at the Ultimate Betrayal petition, which you can read here, I have contributed to the discussion a number of other times during the past few days. I will reproduce my third and fourth messages to the R/H shippers which are dominating over that website right now. (the second message was simply a challenge to them to argue with me based on the facts of the true story, but instead they continued to make false insults and call myself and my similar thinkers delusional.)


To Whom It May Concern:

It seems that Snowy and I are the only people keeping it real in this petition. Perhaps all you sabotageurs think you’re very funny but I have a good funny for you: your jokes are only adding to the momentum of this petition, which is now nearing the critical mass of 400 posts. Isn’t that funny! In your reflective defense of your favorite novel writer you have only sped her own demise.

Obviously, I do not mean JRK’s financial demise. JRK (or as some of you like to say, “Jo”. As if you know her on a first name basis – talk about “delusional!”) will never run out of money, thanks to the legions of people who allow themselves to be manipulated by her love stores. But, thanks to this petition, people all around the vast internet are discovering about her duplicity and dishonest natures. While JRK will never lose the billions she has managed to hoard, her reputation will be shattered over time. As you might be surprised to hear, I, too, will be sad to know this fact as it becomes evident to all. I was once a believer in JRK, and still consider myself a true fan. I still miss the days when I could worship her as you lemmons do now. But luckily I will not be falling off the cliff along with you as your leader, JRK, takes her followers over the edge in to insanity. Her decision to ruin H/H really entales a general disregard for continuing of story and an apparent willingness to hop on whatever bandwagon the fans are pushing for at the moment – ie a Ron and Hermione relationship. The only way for JRK to fix her colossal mistake is to listen to this petition and correct her story to the way she was writing it all along.

Someone calling herself “Rowling’s woman through and through” made an attempt (#353) to actually respond to my original post (#53), and I appreciate her partial civilness. I guess her name is some sort of play on words from the Harry/ Scrimgeour conversation, when Harry foolishly denies his request. Again, JRK changes things at a moment’s notice, now all of a sudden Harry is anti-government, when we know from past books that he is a hero and morally sound. This is a conflicting flaw of character and temperature that is never explained, except maybe by the fact that Harry is somehow now in love with Ginny and probably not using his brain. But, I digress. “Rowling’s woman” managed to say the same thing again and again in her commentaries. It was a nice change from the inaine natterings of the rest of the people here, but most people can see the repetitiveness of her statings and how hollow they ring false compared to the emotion of true fans.

If you care about Harry Potter, you would realize he is more than a fictional character but actually the creation of millions of imaginations, the imaginations of millions of readers who have conceived him as they read the books. Harry, and Hermione, are not the property of one person’s imagination but their fates have been dictated ABSURDLY upon the rest of us by JRK and her cabal. I understand JRK created the characters but once they have been created and set on a path, they should not, must not, be taken off that path and put into some strange parallel universe which is actually more divergent than parallel. Any author which just wretches a story away from its natural course is abusing her power, and that is when revolutions happen. When dictators abuse their power and make illogical, maniacal decisions in all their disgusting extremities. And that is the reason why I am an ex-fan until things change.




  • "If you care about Harry Potter, you would realize he is more than a fictional character but actually the creation of millions of imaginations, the imaginations of millions of readers who have conceived him as they read the books."
    Incorrect, my fat-headed friend. Harry Potter is the creation of one person's imagination. You certainly didn't come up with the idea of Harry, you didn't create his character traits, you didn't even determine the way Harry looks - all of that came from the imagination of JK Rowling. The picture of Harry that you have in your mind all comes from information that Jo put in the books. That reminds me...

    "...as some of you like to say, “Jo”. As if you know her on a first name basis – talk about “delusional!”"
    Allow me to quote from Rowling's own website:
    "With love from JK Rowling (Jo to you)."
    Clearly, Jo doesn't mind us using her first name - it's not some delusion exclusive to R/Hr shippers.

    "JRK ... will never run out of money, thanks to the legions of people who allow themselves to be manipulated by her love stores."
    I can only assume you meant "love stories" (although "love stores" certainly sounds interesting - how do you store love?). Here's the thing, mushy pumpkinhead - Jo isn't writing a love story. The romance we see in the books is purely a subplot of a much greater story - the battle between good and evil, and the choices people make (speaking of which, click here for an excellent editorial on Snape, Harry and Voldemort - three characters with similar childhoods who all turned out differently because of their choices).

    You're kidding yourself if you believe that the series is all about who will end up with who. But whilst we're on the topic, I'll give you very convincing evidence that Harry and Hermione were never going to be together because Harry just wasn't interested:

    "'I vant to know,' [Krum] said, glowering, 'vot there is between you and Hermy-own-ninny.'

    Harry, who from Krum's secretive manner had expected something much more serious than this, stared up at Krum in amazement.

    'Nothing,' he said. But Krum glowered at him, and Harry, somehow struck anew by how tall Krum was, elaborated.

    'We're friends. She's not my girlfriend and she never has been. It's just that Skeeter woman making things up.'

    'Hermy-own-ninny talks about you very often,' said Krum, looking suspiciously at Harry.

    'Yeah,' said Harry, 'because we're

    He couldn't quite believe he was having this conversation with Viktor Krum, the famous international Quidditch player. It was as though the eighteen-year-old Krum thought he, Harry, was an equal - a real rival -

    'You haff never ... you haff not...'

    'No,' said Harry, very firmly."

    (UK Hardcover, pages 479-480)

    If you can't bring yourself to believe that Jo chose Ron to be Hermione's man, at least admit that the above quote proves that Harry isn't the man for Hermione. Harry does love her, but only as a friend. As for the R/Hr shippers being "delusional", they can't have been all that delusional if they saw the romance blossoming and you didn't!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:24 AM  

  • Ah, still relying on your dictonary.com, Trish Signer?

    Too bad it doesn't have an idiot-proof section for people like you who don't understand a simple word like "signer."



    BAN BOOK 7

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:29 AM  

  • Once again, Snowy, you're doing the broken record thing. Is that the only insult you can come up with? It was never even funny! As for linking to dictionary.com in my previous post, I thought that seeing as you have difficulty understanding that Harry and Hermione are friends, I thought I might link to the definition of the word "friends". It fits Harry and Hermione's relationship perfectly.

    Now, where's that proof you claim to have?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:10 PM  

  • Pumpkinhead, you make me laugh. That you and Snowy are "the only people keeping it real in this petition" shows just how supportive the real world is of this petition. Everyone thinks this petition of yours is a joke, except for the small percentage including "MissTrish," who think you and Snowy are complete and utter idiots. I know I will never be able to change your mind nor Snowy's, and I have no intention of arguing with you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:32 PM  

  • I am not going to bother copy pasting your original writing into this comment- although I normally show the curtesy to the people whose opinion I am opposing, I do not feel that you are worthy of this much of my time.

    The thing that you and snowy seem to not understand is that the entire world is either embarrassed, pissed off, or amused by you. No one, NO ONE, is taking you seriously.

    You speak of the ruin of H/Hr- well guess what? IT NEVER EXISTED. Maybe you thought it should happen, but it was never canon, and according to the interview it WAS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. JK has known the plot of the entire series since before she set pen to paper writing SS/PS. She did not decide to write R/Hr because it was such a popular pairing. IT WAS SUCH A POPULAR PAIRING BECAUSE IT WAS INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS THAT IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. She has never planned for a H/Hr romance, and she is not going to wake up tomorrow and find your blog or petition and think "Gee Golly, they are right! I have utterly screwed my own story by sticking with my original plan instead of going with the irrational theories of delusional fans!"

    " I guess her name is some sort of play on words from the Harry/ Scrimgeour conversation, when Harry foolishly denies his request. Again, JRK changes things at a moment’s notice, now all of a sudden Harry is anti-government, when we know from past books that he is a hero and morally sound."

    Well this clears things up significantly. This proves that you DEFINATELY haven't been reading the books you are so riled up about. When has Harry ever been pro-government? A very large part of OotP is about Harry's very well founded anti-goverment feelings. Harry himself explains his reasons to Scrimgeour at Christmas- the government never helped him, indeed they actually actively opposed him for most of the past 2 years, and he is not going to start helping them now. This is not a sudden change in personality, Harry has been this way ever since the end of GoF at the "Parting of the Ways". Dumbledore puts himself at odds with the ministry, and Harry alines himself with Dumbledore. Like I said, this revelation about your inability to understand obvious information makes it much easier to understand your reaction to the shipping.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:39 PM  

  • Harry was never really pro-government, was he? He was actually never. And I don't actually think he is anti-goverment but more anti-Minister of Magic.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:52 AM  

  • I agree with Mahlen, you sure can prove scientoligists wrong with your insanity.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:08 PM  

  • um... its actually JKR, not JRK

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:53 PM  

  • "Morally sound". Right. Is this the Harry who has an invisibility cloak, a Marauder's Map, and breaks rules seemingly every week?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:48 PM  

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