pumpkinhead's Un-Tribute to JRK

Friday, July 29, 2005

Response to comments and more

First of all, I would like to give a thanks to all the people who have taken the times to post comments on my blog. Much appreciation goes out to the people trying to have a real conversation with my side of the aisle. Most unfortunate, however, a few people have been making very rediculous alagories about my good ally snowy and people who share our point of view. According to MissTrish, the popularity of our broadbase movement makes us alike to Nazis!
There were a lot of Nazis during WW2, Snowy, does that make them right and the
rest of the world wrong?

Well, no, MissTrish, it doesn't. But what does Hitler have to do with anything - besides the fact that he bears striking characteristics to Voldemort? I guess some people just can't retain from making proof of Godwin's Law, and must bring up Nazi's at every point when they're logical deficiencies become way too obvious for all. Your only success, MissTrish, was to make me prove Godwin's Law, too, by comparing Hitler and You-Know-Who! Sorry, but I don't feel like engaging in that kind of rubbish bin talking anymore.

In other news, the "What We Believe In" petition is going strong, even though it is too soft on JRK and does not call for a proper ban of book 7 or readership striking action. I believe all True Fans must take the time to sacrifice a minute of their day and just sit down and sign this petition. Here is what I wrote when I signed this monumental document:

This is one of the travesties of all time. One of the most unstoppable love stories ever put into print has now been put into the trash compactor and squished, and all the True Fans will not stand for this desecration of author/reader trusting. How could someone set up this kind of ageless, timely love epic and then within a few pages tear it up so fully? If you are a True Fan of Harry Potter and what the series stands for - ie a community of fans living and breathing and enjoying the story that has been developing all along - then you will sign this petition and have things fixed again for all to notice. A narrow grouping of insideous R/H shippers has taken over the online society of fans and now we need to take it back, it is the ONLY way to save this stoy from the hurricane of tradgedy that has overtaken it and taken it to a place where proper story arcs are disregarded in favorite of rediculous love twists and fancible flights of fiction.

JKR's new name for all to know is now JRK because that is more in tune with her cavalry disregard for her fans - add an 'E' into those initials and you will understand what points I am communicating for all. Just because some R/H shippers were able to hijack an interview with JRK does not mean their point of views are truth, and just because they have been able to hand it up with the author does not make their believes correct. The mannors displayed in this interview are truly disgusting and all True Fans deserve an apology from these ideologically obsessed and elitist web site owners. Visit my website for a site for True Fans. Long live this and all H/H petitions.

We need more H/H fans, the true believers who are not afraid to be yelled at on the internet by the sheep who follow JRK at any cost, to get engaged. Harry and Hermione's love was cut short after only a few sweet, short books.

Oh and P.S.: somebody mentioned that I made a spelling mistake somewhere about saying H/H fangirls instead of R/H fangirls. Uh, ok. I think most people could understand that sentence if they were reading it within the context of the sentence. Sorry if you cannot read those things within context...


  • Mushy pumpkinhead, congratulations! You've just proved to all of us that you, like Snowy, completely missed the point of that post!

    Well pumpkinhead, seeing as you like to use big words, try looking up the word 'analogy', then apply it to my post. Maybe you'll then understand the point I was trying to make! Of course, it all might be a little to grown up for you to understand; it seems pretty much everything that everyone else has said has gone over your head!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:13 AM  

  • I assume that by 'alagories' you meant 'allegories'?

    al·le·go·ry (noun, pl. al·le·go·ries)

    1. a)The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form.
    b) A story, picture, or play employing such representation. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby Dick are allegories.

    2. A symbolic representation: The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice.

    There was nothing symbolic in what I said; it was not an abstract idea, so methinks you've picked the wrong word... again! *pats pumpkinhead on the head in a condescending manner* It's okay, little girl, one day you'll actually know the meanings of the big words that you use!

    I guess for the less educated people here (i.e. Mushy pumpkinhead and Snowy), I'll explain my post.

    Snowy said, "The fact that there are a lot of blogs and petitions only proves that we're right and you're wrong." It's a big generalisation, Snowy, to say that because there are a lot of people who support a particular cause suddenly makes them right. Naturally, the Nazis sprang into my mind - a perfect example of a lot of people who agreed with a particular cause and as a result of this support, thought they were right - just like you, Snotball and Mushy pumpkinhead!

    It's called an analogy.

    a·nal·o·gy (noun)
    a) Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
    b) A comparison based on such similarity.

    Next time, if you're going to have a go at someone for something that they've said, try understanding the point being made, and maybe, just maybe, you'll look like less of a dickhead!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:58 AM  

  • Hey I posted this but I haven't gotten many other sites :( I need to spread the word! Im starting a Top Site list for Pro Hermione/Harry!

    Anyways check out my link :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:24 AM  

  • For the love of gods, JK won't change it for a few people. I was crushed when H/H didn't happen, but you, and your chum snowy, just have to get over it and find some other way to push the energy of this. Your energy towards this is, I will admit, admireable, but its a worthless cause. JK won't change it because it is HER story, not YOURS. A 'True Fan' will be happy for Harry and Hermione for finding love, not fighting their creator. I am a Harmony shipper, but at least I'm over it. Might I suggest FanFiction.Net? Seeing HP is NOT ship based, and that's the kind of thing you're into, you shall find many stories to fit your needs, and options to write them.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:08 PM  

  • Thank you, Sane Harmony Shipper, at least there are some clear-thinking people out there! Why can't you learn from this example, pumpkinhead?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:49 PM  

  • hey guys.....maybe we should take pumpkinhead more seriously. Someone told me that he/she went to princeton! :-o

    Pumpkinhead, you must be really smart!!!!!!!1 What did you get on your SATs? Haha I bet I beat you though...I got a 1790. (OK, so it might be out of 2400 now, but i still got a higher score than you lol!!!)

    Guys, if the person from Princeton is saying that Harry and Hermione really do love each other, don't you think we should probably believe it? :-)

    I mean, I have to say, I totally fell for the trap of R/Hr and H/G, but pumpkinhead raises a pretty good point. It really was obvious it was going to be Harry/Hermione all along.

    Pumpkinhead, did you actually go to Princeton? If you did, can you write me a recommendation leeter? I am going to be applying there this year, and I think a letter from an alumni of your stature could really help. ;-)


    Hermione Granger-Potter

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:20 AM  

  • Although going to Princeton is quite admirable and certainantly means Pumpkinhead is smart in many ways, it does not make him/her an infalliable expert on everything. You shouldn't let it convince you everything Pumpkinhead says musy be correct.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:40 AM  

  • Are you mad? How do you think Harry loves Hermione or vise versa? We read his thoughts people! The only things he thinks of Hermione is either A- How to get her off my back while me Ron are fighting, or B-My two best friends are going to hook up, and I can't stop thinking about kissing Ginny. BTW, if you re-read the books Harry shows way more interest in Ginny than Hermione, even though I'm not a H/G shipper either. Infact, I don't ship anybody with Harry. I even question the H/G shippers. Hermione and Ron were in love the first day they met on the Hogwarts Express when she told him he had dirt on his nose. She and Harry are like brother and sister and that is the way their lives go people. The hero has a girl and her name ain't Hermione.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:47 AM  

  • I don't think that you would've been called delusional from so many people until you and "snowy" created these websites. This obviously shows you are too obsessed about the ships and not enough about the real plot.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:32 PM  

  • Interesting that you mentioned Princeton. MANY people who go to prestigious schools such as princeton have been known to be smart. But smart and practical are two different things. Look at the people who worked for ENRON and messed it up, causing all the chaos on the news a few years ago. Those same people who messed up ENRON went to prestigious school but it doesn't mean they used their brains for good.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:31 PM  

  • You really ARE delusional, aren't you ... thank goodness militant H/Hers are a tiny minority of HP fans.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:16 AM  

  • http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/GinnyandHarryHater

    I don't follow petitions, but this one should have more signatures on it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:25 AM  

  • Aren't you aware that pumpkinhead comes from the original Baum character from his Oz books? Jack Pumpkinhead. He wasn't very intelligent.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:26 AM  

  • "We need more H/H fans, the true believers who are not afraid to be yelled at on the internet by the sheep who follow JRK at any cost, to get engaged. Harry and Hermione's love was cut short after only a few sweet, short books."

    EXACTLY! Which is why I've been trying to get some more HP/HG sites up on http://www.topsitelists.com/clans/lolitagirl/

    So far only one true site! The second I'm planning to delete...

    But hopefully this site will ban together more of the HP/HG sites!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:43 PM  

  • "Oh and P.S.: somebody mentioned that I made a spelling mistake somewhere about saying H/H fangirls instead of R/H fangirls. Uh, ok. I think most people could understand that sentence if they were reading it within the context of the sentence. Sorry if you cannot read those things within context..."

    *sigh* I did read it in context. I was merely making fun of the fact that you can't proofread and ended up hanging shit on your own ship. I wasn't having a go at your spelling - you have so many errors in your blog entries that there aren't enough hours in the day to point out all of them!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:55 AM  

  • OK, there is no way this moron went to Princeton. Do you honestly believe that anyone of even borderline intelligence could have such a terrible grasp of the English language?

    I give you a few examples:

    "Your new initials should be JRK because that sounds like "jerk" which is more closely alligned with your brain now that the travesty of HBP is apron us."

    -Aside from the fact that this sentence is inherently stupid, what the hell does "HBP is apron us" even mean?

    "I can't belief you would do this awful writing to us."

    -Believe, my friend. Believe.

    "I don’t understand why you individuals can’t comprehense the rationals behind my statings."

    -You're right. We can't "comprehense" a word you are saying.

    "Regardless of what you think is best thanks to your reading of a failed manual script, Harry and Hermione where meant to love."
    -WTF is a manual script?

    And my favorite:
    "Any author which just wretches a story away from its natural course is abusing her power, and that is when revolutions happen. When dictators abuse their power and make illogical, maniacal decisions in all their disgusting extremities. And that is the reason why I am an ex-fan until things change."

    -OK, Che. Keep fighting the fight. Die for the cause.

    In summary, if this is the sort of drivel that Princeton lets in these days, I bet even I could get in!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:18 PM  

  • If you hate Rowling so much, why did you start reading these books in the first place? There wasn't any sort of romantic plot line on any side until about the third book. Are you really just reading them for the romance? Go to the dollar store and pick up a romance novel there. It's a lot cheaper, the "who loves who" is a lot more predictable, and you won't need to worry about it any more. If you're only reading Harry Potter for the romance, you're missing the point of the story and we don't want you in the fandom.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:00 AM  

  • pumkinhead never said they hated anyone, Julie. I'm afraid the only hate being spread around here is of the R/Hr shipper variety.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:42 AM  

  • I totally agree with the whole "Godwin's thing;" people on the internet just can't resist bringing up Nazis when there is any sort of a debate. Traditionally, that causes the side that brought up Nazis to automatically lose the war, because they have to sink to such depths!

    I can't believe that anyone would support Ginny; she began by being snivelling and whining, going after someone merely because he was a hero when she didn't even know him, and allowing herself to be possessed by Voldemort. Then she turns into some "perfect" person to become the "perfect" girl for Harry. How lame! She is a Mary Sue and just really annoying...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:52 PM  

  • OMG, you think that because she wiped dirt off of his nose they were in love?! Get real!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:55 PM  

  • Emerson's Panties - I don't think she was saying that the dirt on the nose was the strongest indicator. There are certainantly stronger clues, but that was more of a point on the time-line. However, she is talking to people who think owls being next to each other is sign! At least Hermione telling Ron he has dirt on his nose involved them interacting with each other.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:14 PM  

  • Uh... allowing herself to be possessed by Voldemort? Ginny was a very shy, lonely girl early on, the book was like a friend for her. She had no idea she was spilling her soul into the book, so how could you possibly say she allowed herself to be possessed, "emerson's panties"?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:03 PM  

  • emerson's panties - You are seriously disturbed.

    QUOTE: "I can't believe that anyone would support Ginny;"

    You better believe it, coz I sure as hell support Ginny, she is a FANTASTIC character.

    QUOTE: "going after someone merely because he was a hero when she didn't even know him,"

    Oh, what, and you're never had a hardcore celeb crush before? ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN???

    I didn't think so.

    QUOTE: "and allowing herself to be possessed by Voldemort."

    That comment is plain disgusting. Obviously, someone was to preoccupied crying over their sunken ship to process the chapter on Horcruxes. I suggest you read it. You probably won't get it, but I'm sure someone out there will be willing to explain it to you in language you'll understand. (Yes, that was meant to imply that your brain is much like mushy pumpkin.)

    Ahem. The whole diary thing is exactly like chatrooms. It is such an easy trap to fall into ... thinking that finally someone understands you. You must be about eight years old, and so you haven't gone through the whole teenage deal yet. NO ONE “ALLOWS” THEMSELVES TO BE POSSESSED BY VOLDEMORT.

    What it all comes down to is:
    Voldemort is manipulative. Ginny was lonely and a little depressed.

    Bad, BAD combination.

    QUOTE: "Then she turns into some 'perfect' person to become the 'perfect' girl for Harry. How lame! She is a Mary Sue and just really annoying..."

    Ginny didn’t “change”. Did you even read the books? Please …

    In the first four books, she was unable to act like her true self in front of Harry. The Ginny we see in 5 & 6 is the Ginny that was always there, just out of Harry’s (and our) sight.

    Ginny is far from being a Mary Sue. She is not perfect. I would say her and Hermione are equally flawed, so either accuse both or don’t at all …

    I suggest you read Jo’s comments on Ginny in Emerson and Melissa’s interview. Of course, you’re delusional so you won’t particularly care … but hey, a girl can only try …

    snowy’s favourite sexy poodle,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:43 PM  

  • "In the first four books, she was unable to act like her true self in front of Harry. The Ginny we see in 5 & 6 is the Ginny that was always there, just out of Harry’s (and our) sight.

    So true, Tiffi! Remember how in CoS Ron said something to the effect of, "It's really strange for her to be like this, she normally doesn't shut up" (or something like that, I'm too lazy to get the book for an exact quote).

    Ginny wasn't normally a shy, quiet sort of person around her family because they were people she was comfortable to be with; when Harry was around Ginny was a little starstruck (which is natural for a child aged around ten or eleven).

    Ginny never changed; she merely became more comfortable around Harry and the other Hogwarts students. She grew up, as most people do! (Except for Snowy, of course!)

    Become a "thug" - http://www.livejournal.com/community/emersonsthugs - come on militant shippers - we promise we won't delete your posts (we'll put them in a place of prominence so EVERYONE can laugh at you)!

    One of the crazies is still missing - pumpkinhead is MIA! COME BACK CRAZY PUMPKINHEAD! WE WANT TO LAUGH AT YOU!

    •Emerson's Thugs Rock On Forever•

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:58 PM  

  • Why doesn't anyone get that the books aren't about romance? And who gave Snowy Resond and Mushy Pumpkin crack? And where are all the proofs that Harry and Hermione are made for each other? It was R/Hr from day one!!! I guess you just assumed that since Harry's the hero and Hermy's lead girl they where made for each other!!! You got this in your head, and since you think HP's a romance novel you started noticing things in the books that the sane people didn't and you dug yourself deeper in a H/Hr hole. It starts with a "D" and ends in a "L"


    •Emerson's Thugs Rock On Forever•



    Give Snowy hell from us Peeves...

    P.S Snowy you no that 90% of the posts on your petition are jokes right? You have no support

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:19 AM  

  • Because I just couldn't resist...

    This is one of the smallest travesties of all time. One of the most unstoppable love stories ever put into print has now been put into the trash compactor and squished, and all the True Fans will not stand for this desecration of author/reader trust. How could someone set up this kind of ageless, timely love epic and then within a few pages tear it up so fully? If you are a True Fan of Harry Potter and what the series stands for - ie a community of fans living and breathing and enjoying the story that has been developing all along - then you will sign this petition and have things fixed again for all to notice. A narrow grouping (a small group perhaps?) of insidious R/H shippers (we're not all R/Hr shippers, sweety-pie) has taken over the online society of fans (taken over? We already had control before HBP) and now we need to take it back (you never had it in the first place), it is the ONLY way to save this story from the hurricane of tragedy that has overtaken it and taken it to a place where proper story arcs are disregarded in favor of ridiculous love twists and fanciful flights of fiction.

    Let’s review this paragraph, shall we? You refer to H/Hr as a “timely love epic” – timely? It was on time, well-timed, punctual? Methinks the word you’re looking for is “timeless”. And “epic”? None of the romance surpasses the usual or ordinary; romance is merely a (very small) subplot of a much larger story about good versus evil. As for “a narrow grouping of insidious R/H shippers…”, I provide you with this definition:

    in•sid•i•ous (adj.)
    1. Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner: insidious rumors; an insidious disease.
    2. Intended to entrap; treacherous: insidious misinformation.
    3. Beguiling but harmful; alluring: insidious pleasures.

    Let’s look at this point by point. Point 1: we of the non-H/Hr persuasion have certainly not been subtle or stealthy – we’ve told you flat out that we think you’re delusional, crazy, a pack of idiots who don’t know how to read, etcetera. Point 2: we have not tried to trap you with “insidious misinformation” (any information we’ve given you came directly from the books, so we haven’t misinformed you). Point 3: I doubt you find any of us beguiling, but yes, we are harmful… to your egos.

    “Fanciful flights of fiction” – formerly “fancible flights of fiction” *snicker*, you’re suggesting that R/Hr is unreal and not based on fact (remembering, of course, that this is a work of fiction) – we’ve provided you with many pieces of evidence that it is not fanciful; JKR has foreshadowed this in earlier books, whereas there is not foreshadowing of H/Hr, and JKR dismissed H/Hr as being platonic in a 1999 interview.

    Oh, and “one of the most unstoppable love stories ever…” – looks like JKR stopped it! (Couldn’t resist that one!)

    JKR's new name for all to know is now JRK because that is more in tune with her cavalry disregard for her fans - add an 'E' into those initials and you will understand what points I am communicating for all. (JRKE? What’s that supposed to mean?) Just because some R/H shippers were able to hijack an interview with JRK does not mean their point of views (points of view) are the truth, and just because they have been able to hand it up (what?!) with the author does not make their beliefs correct. The manners displayed in this interview are truly disgusting (I’m surprised you could spell that) and all True Fans deserve an apology from these ideologically obsessed and elitist web site owners. Visit my website for a site for True Fans. Long live this and all H/H petitions.

    “…her cavalry disregard for her fans…” – here’s another definition for you, mushy pumpkinhead:

    1. A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport, such as light armor and helicopters.
    2. Troops trained to fight on horseback.

    WOW! JKR has troops that disregard her fans! Who would have thought?

    Ideologically, we do not see eye to eye on the matter of which is the best ship, but the word “ideologically” is completely out of context in that sentence.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:25 AM  

  • I don't understand you. I truly, truly find it so hard to understand why you are doing this. Now, I DO understand the impact these books can have on a person. But are you really that immature and do you have such little thrills in life that you have to devote so much time to something this stupid? I feel sorry for you. I mean, really, really sorry. In 20 years you are going to look back and think, "my god, what the hell was the matter with me?" Oh, and guess what. YOU BOUGHT HALF-BLOOD PRINCE!! ha-ha! you gave JK Rowling $$ when you bought it! So she wins and you lose, as usual!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:07 PM  

  • Quote: I assume that by 'alagories' you meant 'allegories'?

    No, sadly I believe he meant allegations:
    al·le·ga·tion (al e ga shun)
    Something alleged; an assertion: allegations of disloyalty.
    The act of alleging.
    A statement asserting something without proof: The newspaper's charges of official wrongdoing were mere allegations.
    Law. An assertion made by a party that must be proved or supported with evidence.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:03 PM  

  • Coonskin 13, the 'allegories' thing is in reference to another post that mushy pumpkinhead made on the U.B. petition.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:37 AM  

  • Quote: however, a few people have been making very rediculous alagories about my good ally snowy

    This is what im talking about

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:25 AM  

  • It's very hard to work out what pumpkinhead is actually trying to say, seeing as he/she/they/it keeps using big words that he/she/they/it doesn't understand. I assumed "allegories" due to a comment I'd made previously in regards to one of pumpkinhead's earlier posts. I can understand why you thought it might be "allegations" though, although I'm not quite sure what allegations we're supposed to have made about Snowy. Everything we've said about her is the truth! ;-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:19 PM  

  • Pumpkinhead, you make me laugh. And people in the comments section seem to believe you attended Princeton University. Surely you learn there the differences between arguing and debating. I applaud you for trying to lead the "war" in a more "dignified" fashion than others do (e.g., Snowy, MissTrish, etc.), but by this point the whole affair is only pathetic arguing. There is no refined aspect left.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:44 PM  

  • 'This is one of the travesties of all time.'

    It's - a - flipping - fantasy - series. A brilliant fantasy series, but a fantasy series all the same.

    The fact that the two fictional characters you wanted to get together DIDN'T get together does not warrant the name of one of the travesties of all time.

    It's NOT a romance novel.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:23 PM  

  • What really irks me is how you insist on saying that the only reason Ron and Hermione ended up together in HP&HBP was due to the pressure of a certain group of fans. How many times has JKR reiterated that she does not write to please anyone, she writes for herself? I find it ludicrous that you actually believe that she would be swayed in such a huge way by her fans. She herself has said that she honestly doesn't care if she loses a few readers, as long as she writes exactly what she intends to write. Don't insult her intelligence so by making her out to be that weak and impressionable.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:18 PM  

  • What don't you people understand?! Jo writes the books, NOT YOU. She determines what happens in HER books. She made R/Hr as obvious as possible, yet you DENY that that's how she planned it all along?! I give up. You lot ARE delusional. Congratulations on proving Emerson's brilliant point. Please don't buy Book 7, or like Harry Potter anymore, or do whatever it is you want--Jo should be happy to lose maniac "fans" like you. DELUSIONAL!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:46 AM  

  • What you need to understand is what we read in the books is Harry's Point Of View. From Books 2-4, we don't see much of the real Ginny because she never acted like herself when Harry's around. By Harry's 5th year, she decided to just be herself. What we see in HBP is the real Ginny. She's not a Mary Sue, suddenly having a personality. She's perfect for him from the very start, Harry just didn't realise that until HBP. I understand the H/H Shippers although I'm a H/G and R/Hr Shipper and I respect their views. I've read their essays so that I could understand why they're shipping that ship. But what you need to understand is JKR (JRK is really disrespectful) planned the series 15 years ago. It was in her plans that Harry will end up with Ginny and not with Hermione. It was planned that Harry sees Ron and Hermione as his family. She didn't write H/G and R/Hr just because of the Shippers whims. All that happened in the books and all the things she said in interviews about the characters were planned before she wrote the books (and that's 15 years ago).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 AM  

  • So.....

    You want book seven banned because Harmony wasn't canon?

    Good luck with that one!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:07 PM  

  • Dear,dear pumpkinhead,

    Why post if you can't spell? I don't spell correctly sometimes too. I can't spell "diSaPPointed" (I just realized that on another post), but I don't attract attention to myself so everyone can see that I'm dismal in that area.

    I've not signed the What We Believe In petition because I felt so bad for you...erm...interesting...souls. What are you calling it now..."The Declaration of Ignoramous" or something... ? What a momentous document! I've noticed that nobody's been posting on snowy's petition lately. It's been so boring without any of my new friends ragging on delusionals.

    If you had only been talking about how you were sad and angry about Harmony sinking, I'd have compassion. But you've made it personal since you started making accusations and angry retorts. JK Rowling wouldn't change the books for some fangirls or fanboys.

    I've always got the feeling that Harry was somewhat annoyed at Hermione sometimes. She's sorta uptight. But Ronniekins is changing her for the better, aren't you Won-won?

    Anyway, eat pumpkin pie----wait----didn't mean to offend. wink wink

    Eat Lemon Meringue pie in memory of the guy we SHOULD be talking about. BTW:before you try to say that I spelled meringue wrong, that's how you spell it.

    Lemon drop? They're soothing so you'll be cool, calm, and collected. (something you have yet to achieve) Mind control through lemon drop distribution; what a wonderful idea...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:59 PM  

  • A TRUE FAN of Harry Potter wouldn't give a flying fuck whether Harry and Hermione end up together. The love stuff is a sub-plot.
    Harry needs to defeat Voldemort in order to save the wizarding world. That's the important part of the story. Not the love crap.

    Look over there lying on the ground there's a clue. Maybe you should get one? Just a thought.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:54 AM  

  • What's a Not Good?

    Oh, and by the way, Pumpkinhead, you're a Grade-A idiot. In fact, you graduated sumna cum laude from Idiot University in Idiotsville, USA.

    No, I'm kidding. But really, lady, step back and take some perspective. Do you really think that whether Harry and Hermione caress each others prepubescent tongues is going to matter in the long run? Do you think JKR writing H/Hr in Book 7 is going to somehow fulfill a void in your or anyone else's life?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:04 PM  

  • *laughs*

    Thanks for the entertainment! I laughed so hard at your moralistic, selp-righteous, pseudo-intellectual, non-canonical indignation that I had to rest.

    Thanks, Pumpkinpiehead!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:16 PM  

  • To the guy that posted a little before me:
    I don't like pumkinhead any more than you do. But really, that was the most vile, horrible, disgusting, and all-around revoting letter I have ever read. Find some non-volent ways to express yourself...

    And I KNOW I can't spell. I'm ten years old.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 PM  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:44 PM  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:35 AM  

  • Bush goes ballistic about other countries being evil and dangerous, because they have weapons of mass destruction. But, he insists on building up even a more deadly supply of nuclear arms right here in the US. What do you think? Why has bush turned our country from a country of hope and prosperity to a country of belligerence and fear.
    Our country is in debt until forever, we don't have jobs, and we live in fear. We have invaded a country and been responsible for thousands of deaths.
    We have lost friends and influenced no one. No wonder most of the world thinks we suck. Thanks to what george bush has done to our country during the past three years, we do!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:16 PM  

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