True Love sparks Sad Hate
One particularly pleasant comment, from "ali":
the way this is turning out, I'm not sure if these people are even HUMAN...
This kind of response is typically pathetic. I'm not trying to be rude, even to my trolls (who are often polite), but I don't know why I'm subhuman because I believe in True Love. In fact, I think that is a thing making me HUMAN. It is unfortunately the case with debates such as this arguing that people would get frustrated and lash out - I guess it's only HUMAN to do so!
By the way, I thought I was supposed to be the Nazi, but now you guys are calling us subhumans? This is quite a turn of consistency!
Out of curiosity, I'm new to the world of HP, so could you please tell me what your reasons are for Harry and Hermione being together? I saw the movies and I also think they'd be great together, but maybe there's other stuff in the books. Thanks in advance!
By Anonymous, at 5:34 PM
Anonymous, Welcome to the World of Harry Potter!
Sadly no, there is no evidence that Harry and Hermionie get together. Instead, there is evidence that Hermionie will get together with Ron (another character from the potterverse) while Harry gets together with Ron's sister Ginny
Sadly, pumpkinhead has yet to grasp this fact.
By Anonymous, at 5:49 PM
1. I believe in true love, ie R/Hr (even if it's A BOOK)
2.I was half asleep when I wrote that
3.Misstrish never called you a nazi.
By Anonymous, at 6:37 PM
Uh... do you even know what method acting is?
Main Entry: method acting
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a dramatic technique in which actors identify as closely as possible with the character played by correlating experiences from their personal lives to the character; also called Stanislavsky system
Etymology: created by Konstantin Stanislavsky
Now, I don't think Dan and Emma have ever insisted that people call them "Harry" and "Hermione", nor have they been treated as though they are the actual characters of the books, on or off the set. A real example of method acting is Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman in "Man on the Moon", where "Jim Carrey refused to be called by his real name during the entire production - to get into the part, he insisted on being dealt with as Andy Kaufman at all times, on and off the set." (
And no, I never called you a Nazi; I was merely pointing out a flaw in Snotball's argument that if a particular cause appears to have a lot of support then it must be right - the Nazi's cause did have a lot of support, but did that make them right? No. This is not making you akin to Nazis, this is not saying you are Nazis, it is simply pointing out a flaw in Snowy's argument. And you tell us to read things in context!
Become a "thug" - - come on militant shippers - we promise we won't delete your posts (we'll put them in a place of prominence so EVERYONE can laugh at you)!
•Emerson's Thugs - we're better than you, militants, and we know it!•
By Anonymous, at 7:44 PM
And they say WE overanalyze... anyway, one more thing. On snowy's site, there was one response to somebody's email that said , "anyway, your writing probably sucks". Just to let you guys know, I'm a writer too. Well, maybe I only write poetry, but still.
Maybe I'll join that. Idk. I'm half asleep right now, so if I say anything offensive, it's because my "pathetic" (note the sarcasm) mind isn't working correctly. It's amazing how you people miss the sarcasm and change our words around, yet you call US delusionals?
By Anonymous, at 9:54 PM
"True Love sparks Sad Hate"
Seeing as there was no true love between Herry and Hermione, though, I fail to see how it could spark "sad hate" ;)
The only thing that's sadder that your blogs that shows you putting on the blinders to a CHILDREN'S BOOK, which ISN'T about romance BTW, is me reading this shit.
By Anonymous, at 11:18 PM
Anna, I don't mean to be mean, but I think the only thing sadder than that is spelling Harry's name wrong.
By pumpkinhead, at 2:24 AM
Whoa! Where's the so-called Harmony evidence that you've promised? Where's the addressing of my email? Where's the deconstructions of the Heron evidence? Are you really that much of a simpleton that you are incapable of coming up with any decent responses to my posts? Sheesh. Whatever college you got into, I'm amazed theylet you in if you are incapable of using analytical techniques.
By Anonymous, at 4:17 AM
just a little reminder to harry hermione 499, HBP..(uk edition)
By Anonymous, at 5:51 AM
Yeah, if that were the case, I could probably get in, the "pathetic" "worshipper" preteen who, what the heck, is probably also a subhuman Nazi, and half troll. (please note the sarcasm)
Plus, my friend who was the H/Hr shipper is one of the most intelligent people I know. And she never had any evidence. She just said that it would seem right. (she's still wailing that it's not right, but book 6 has forced her to see the evidence).
Oh, I think I read this on an editorial somewhere, that it didn't make sense for R/Hr to be together because when Hermione thought that Harry was a prefect, she gave a delighted shriek. Then when Mrs. Weasley found out, she gave a shriek to match Hermione's, or something like that. Then it said since Mrs. Weasley loves Ron, that means Hermione loves Harry. I know none of you ever used this as your "evidence", but here you go. Mrs. Weasley does not love Ron in the romantic way. She loves him in the way a mother loves a son, or siblings love each other. Hermione is so close to Harry that, yes, she loves him, but only as almost a brother.
One more thing. You saw that Harry broke up with Ginny. That's because he knew he had to go on ALONE. Do you think he'd be willing to put Hermione in more danger than she already is in, if (and I'm saying IF, so don't misinterpret me) he had ANY feelings at all for her?
I know that's not much, but hey, it shows that even a twelve-year-old can analyze.
Some of you are saying that R/Hr and H/G was very spontaneous and an influenced decision. I will refrain from saying "read the books", but I suggest you read the comments of people for your R/Hr evidence. I don't know if there is any H/G evidence up there yet, but I'll go check. (and don't think not being sure is a sign that I have lesser intelligence) Then maybe I'll put some up.
Well...what else can I say? Oh yeah, if all you can do is make fun of our spelling and our apparent insults, pumpkinhead, then you really need to give this up. Or don't, so we can all have the laughs.
Support Book 7!
All Hail Sane Shippers-join The Good Fight for Sanity!
By Anonymous, at 6:52 AM
Pumpkinhead, i am still wondering what exactly the purpose of ur site is... is it to get Jo to apologize, to insult Jo and R/Hr shippers, or is it to stoutly deny that Ron and Hermione ARE indeed dating?
If it is to get an apology out of Jo, forget it.
If it is to insult Jo and R/Hr shippers, it is just making you look stupid.
If it is to deny that Ron and Hermione ARE indeed dating and to deny that harry DOES INDEED love ginny, than re-read HBP. and all the other books while you're at it...
By Anonymous, at 7:16 AM
Where is your self-dignity and respect for the rest of the Harmonians? Do you realize that the rest of the fandom regards us as little five year olds who still think we have imaginary friends? Even crack pairings have more respect than Harmonians and you are going to sit there and vent your poor little heart out at the fact that you are upset. You are selfish for thinking that you are the only one that is upset! You are an embarassment on the face of fandom. I think your emotional volcano of distress at the loss of H/Hr in canon must have completely dissolved your sensibility. They are Rowling's characters. She knows what is best for them. That doesn't stop us from believing that Harry/Hermione is right, but it doesn't mean you have the right to demand her to retract her laughter at the word: "dellusional". She is a human being. I know that's hard for you to believe, but just because she is richer than the Queen of England and helped create your little fantasy world doesn't mean she doesn't have faults. You can't control her and you are acting way out of proportion. I mean come on, "we strongly DEMAND that Joanne Kathleen Rowling apologize for laughing at the term "delusional," as it was applied to the millions of Harry/Hermione shippers throughout the world." She may have been rude to us, but I'm sure she didn't mean to. Haven't you ever written a story or a fan fic? You already know what is going to happen to the characters from the moment you pick up the pen. This is the same situation with Jo, she already knew what was going to happen in the plot, and obviously by her interview H/Hr wasn't in her plans. There are some things in life that you get upset about, and others that you brush yourself off, say whatever, and continue life. I think it's pretty sad you chose the downfall of H/Hr in canon as one of your upsetting points in life. Just swallow this pill: Canon for Harry / Hermione may be dead, but it doesn't mean that they can't flourish in fanon.
-Beck, a H/Hr shipper
By Anonymous, at 7:21 AM
Wait wait wait! We're talking about the movie now? I could've sworn this was the 6th book we were arguing about...I swear it was. But apparently, Punpkinhead believes all that matters is the acting of Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe. Just because they were supposedly flirting in the movie doesn't mean crap. Oh and she did flirt with Ron too, like when they thought Buckbeak died, or when she grabbed his hand by accident. Hm maybe I'm wrong but I think I'm right,
By Anonymous, at 7:53 AM
Oh yeah, even you admitted it: FICTIONAL. So. Get. Over. It. Can you comprehend that?
Support Book 7 and the Good Fight For Sanity!
All Hail Sane Shippers!
By Anonymous, at 12:38 PM
I'm fascinated by how much time you waste trying to fight the author on what she writes. This is such an insult. She writes books, depriving herself of time with family, to publish novels for your enjoyment, and you insult simply because you disagree with a slight plot twist in the romances in Harry Potter. Has the human race really come down to fighting useless causes such as plot changes in Harry Potter? Are you seriously going to waste your time fighting this and petitioning JKR simply because you have a disagreement? I suggest you get a life.
By Anonymous, at 3:56 PM
You know, this is where the Christian fundamentalists should come in and say, "HP causes violence! Burn HP! H/Hr and R/Hr are both blasphemous! Herons is for heretics and Harmony is only harmonious with the devil! White hooded costumes ru - oh, wait, never mind..."
By Anonymous, at 6:17 PM
Right, so even though the actors/actresses have said they believe Ron and Hermione will get together, they would have had Harry and Hermione have an "intimate" moment.
By Anonymous, at 8:05 PM
Oh yeah, and since snowy or pumpkinhead (it's hard to keep them straight) asked if there has been a romantic R/Hr moment...well, you expect us to analyze so in-depth that we believe owl placements indicate romance, we can do the same thing, right? lol, of course there is evidence, but they hadn't openly admitted their feelings yet, so...
By Anonymous, at 9:49 PM
That picture's pretty funny. There was no true love between Harry and Hermione to be stopped though. What are you trying to accomplish here? Are you trying to get Jo to rewrite the book to fit your view? Are you just trying to poke fun at her since she didn't do what you wanted? Are you trying to get her to admit that there's still a chance for Harry and Hermione?
Trying to get her to change things, or say that there's still a chance for your ship is just an exercise in futility.
Poking fun at her, now that's just childish.
And honestly...JRK? You claim that your trolls are pathetic, well, when you wake up tomorrow you should have a look in the mirror for the definition of pathetic.
It's time to stop being so childish and start accepting how things turn out, like them or not.
Harry and Ginny did happen. Ron and Hermione were significantly built up. Get over it and enjoy the books. They're about Harry defeating Voldemort anyway.
By Anonymous, at 12:23 AM
to the crazy ppl its a book. u dont have to revolve ur life around it its all made up. wut if jk rowling didnt make the book up at all u wouldnt know of harry or hermione. so be thankful not hateful.
By Anonymous, at 3:04 AM
haha in alot of these comments, there are more insults to the 'true hp fans who hate hp' than ones supporting it
By Anonymous, at 2:34 PM
Why is everybody anonymous...?
By Anonymous, at 3:56 PM
I really hope that this is a joke. The horrible grammar, awful word usage, the blatantly false accusations, the lame pictures, foolish ideals... It just isn't possible for someone to be this stupid. This is all a hoax. I know it!
By Anonymous, at 6:02 PM
Dear pumpkinhead,
Please resort to fanfic, hun. It's cheaper than therapy.
By Anonymous, at 7:27 AM
Believeing in true love doesn't make you subhuman.
Believing in the true love of two fictional characters, while the said true love doesn't exist makes you subhuman though.
Ps.I was on the HMS Harmony forums in a thread asking where the anvil sized hints to R/Hr were. I went back to Mina's post 819 on Snowy's petion and copy-pasted it to the forum when I gor back today to see if anyone had replyed I found this instead:
Mod Note: This post has been edited because, as it was, it would have instigated a debate, which happens to be against our current policy.
Comments such as:
She is never described favourably again.
If this is not hate/LOVELOVELOVE relationship, then what is?
It's his fault she got hurt, for pity's sake.
Are therefore considered trolling, due to the general dismissive, categorical, condescending and, bluntly put, annoying content.
We thank you for spewing all that VOMIT on us, but seeing as how this is primarily a H/Hr forum, your post is against our rules.
-Ana Christina
I mean it shouldn't have just been deleted, since I was answering a question stupidshipers can't except the truth.
By Anonymous, at 8:00 AM
I really do not understand why so many Harry/Hermione supporters are acting shocked and surprised by the release of book six and the following interview. I mean, honestly, they had to see it coming. There was absolutely *no* evidence in canon to support the Harmony ship. Those who argued adamantly for it twisted passages in the books around to support its existence, severely bashed the characters of Ron and Ginny because they saw them as monumental threats to their preferred pairing, *insisted* J.K. Rowling was lying to us in her interviews when she did everything but outright tell is that it was going to be Ron and Hermione, attempted to change the meaning of the word "platonic," and were viciously rude towards those who shipped Heron and Chocolate.
A word from the wise to the not-so-much: If you have to do the above-mentioned things just to create evidence for something you support, you are better off not supporting it at all because you are most likely *wrong*. Emerson is right, you were completely delusional, you refused to listen to J.K. Rowling and others who attempted to point you in the correct direction, you saw what you wanted to see, and you have absolutely no one to blame but yourselves for being *dead wrong*. Lashing out at J.K. Rowling and Emerson and personally insulting them will not change this, so stop doing it.
I cannot believe people are reacting in such a manner over something as trivial as who is snogging whom in a dark, deserted corridor. If you are going to stop reading the books just because Harry and Hermione aren't shagging in the broom shed, then you shouldn't be reading the books at all. Pick up a Danielle Steel novel if you want to read that sort of meaningless garbage. It is time for all of you to grow up, lick your wounds, and move on. Stop acting like spoilt children.
Some Harry/Hermione shippers have taken the release of HBP in stride, while others, like Pumpkinhead and Snowy, have behaved with much less graceful deportment. There is nothing that vexes me more than a person who knows that he or she was/are wrong, and everyone else knows it too, but they refuse to admit it. Why is it so difficult for you to say those three little words: "I was wrong"? And you were. Boycotting the books, calling J.K. Rowling (because that is her name, Pumpkinhead, and by changing her initials around to sound like the word "jerk," you are proving yourself, and not J.K.R., to be the real jerk) all sorts of profanities, and being viciously rude to Emerson and all of the people who were actually right about the outcome will not change that fact.
At least now that the whole shipping issue is settled (for those of us who are mature enough to accept it, that is), we can put the whole battle of the ships behind us and sail away from the burning wreckage that used to be the H.M.S. Harmony, H.M.S. Moonlight, H.M.S. Red Moon, and H.M.S. Yuletide.
And for those of you who will wonder about my shipping preferences, I will tell you that I am a J.K.R. shipper, meaning I ship whatever the author ships, which is, of course, Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny. Deep down I have always suspected those would be the romantic pairings at one point, and I was pleased when book six proved me correct in my assumptions.
By Anonymous, at 8:04 AM
It's funny how you can say that WE'RE hateful when your buddy, Snowy, has been cursing out everybody who tries to contradict H/Hr. I feel bad because now snowy's put up that petition, and everybody's degrading it by signing under the pretense of being Harmonians, but actually being Herons. One day, you'll both wake up and realize that you've been WRONG. You and Snowy have done a really great job showing everybody that some people have really thick skulls. Well, anyway, thank you for the most enjoyable laughs. And I hope that when that day of revelations comes, you'll have the courage to step back into the web without hanging your head in shame. Doubtful.
>Lemon Meringue Pie in Memorium of APWBD<
By Anonymous, at 11:39 AM
Comment 27 is also mine as I am Red aka Becky- i.e. I've posted as Red and Becky so I wanted credit for it all soooo... anyway. You know, the Lemon Meringue pie one.
I crack up when I see the Harry and Hermione POA picture. Bloody Hell, pumpkinhead, that was from the movie. You do know that movies don't affect canon, right? and that Daniel Radcliffe isn't the real Harry Potter? Unless he is the real Harry Potter, and the movies are a clever ruse to make us think that there is no Harry Potter. We've all been hoodwinked!
Anyway, in all seriousness, have you ever seen POA? Did you miss all of those scenes with Ron and Hermione? Even Alfonso Cuaron recognized Ron and Hermione's relationship for what it was, and we all thought he was incompetent what with leaving out the whole Marauder exposition. >I'm still mad about that< ...Hermione hugged RON when they thought Buckbeak was being beheaded. Harry awkwardly clinged to thoughts went to the gutter when I saw that scene, but I prefer to walk the straight and narrow. Metaphorically.
And that scene in POA where you got that still from is very interesting since Harry was madly talking about how his dad came back to life and summoned "Cosmic Bambi"-courtesy "Potter Puppet Pals". ... Hermione starts looking at him as if he were a headless bast-ended-skrewt. She looks seriously worried about his mental health. In the books, she often asks him how he is...She probably thinks he's already gone mental. He was obsessing over Draco Malfoy, and for a moment, my breath caught...could JK be partial to SLASH? But only for a moment since I'm not delusional, you know.
I do have to say, I expected more angst on Harry's part in the Sixth Book. I was slightly disappointed that he turned out to be "Noble, Nothing-gone-awry-with-my-brains-here, Harry" again. >sigh<
Fanfiction gets to you.
By Anonymous, at 12:00 PM
oops...wrong scene...I meant at the lake...sorry...but I stand by what I say...
Do you have friends? Don't you talk to them? Like, intimately?
Harry was the aloof, strange kid in POA. I thought that was obvious, but nope, not to some. If Hermione didn't think he needed a psychologist there...
He wanted to go looking for Sirius and murder him! Can anybody say sociopath?
Obvious is only two letters away from oblivious.
I swear, this is the last time...
By Anonymous, at 12:09 PM
Someone need to learn that loving a friends is still love, and not less than romantic love.
Harry love Hermione, yes, but like a friend, and like he love Ron.
Also, they need to learn that the point of the books are the fight between Voldy and Harry, not who kiss who.
By Anonymous, at 1:50 PM
You are aware that Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson aren't actually Harry and Hermione aren't you?
They are actors.
By Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
Hey, here's a poem. Not exactly my best work, but whatever.
Once there was a popular series.
Then the sixth book came,
unleashing senseless furies,
that couldn't be tamed.
These shippers, they say,
in anger and rage,
they were wronged that day,
and won't read another page.
They say that they're "true",
yet how they go on!
Their delusions just grew,
because of Hermione and Ron.
Move on! Here are some tips,
life doesn't revolve around,
your unlikely sunken ships.
Go away, do you hear? And not one more sound!
By Anonymous, at 9:20 PM
Ok...that wasn't one of my better poems, but I wrote that off the top of my head. Or you can just stay and we can all laugh at you. :)
By Anonymous, at 9:21 PM
HThat was a beautiful poem :) I love it. Also, one of those anonymous posts was mine as well, I believe it ended:
Harry and Ginny did happen. Ron and Hermione were significantly built up. Get over it and enjoy the books. They're about Harry defeating Voldemort anyway.
Yep, that one's mine, I had an afterthought that it's just no fun if the delusional ones can't respond to you personally :)
By Anonymous, at 10:56 PM
Wow. You are so batshitloco it's scary.
*backs away*
By Anonymous, at 2:51 AM
Bwahahahahahaha-I love laughing at these people. It's like going up to Tolkein's grave and ranting on about how Ewoyen should hav eended up with Aragon and...well, JKR (yes JKR, not JRK airhead) isn't dead, but Half-Blood Prince (read it..that's it's name) is written an dpublished and your little charade is completely pointless.
I was never a shipper, but R/Hr always seemed too ruddy obvious to me. If Harry ended up with Hermione, who would Ron be with? Well, you could answer Luna, but then the H/L Shippers with their 'evidence' from the end of book 5 would probably trample you in a stampede.
By Anonymous, at 8:34 AM
Instead of following this central plotline of the books through to its beautiful concluding page, JRK (the JERK) has flipped things around on a whim.
You're not serious. You can't be serious. With who is Harry is not the central plotline, it never was!!!
Good lord, how did you miss it?!
By Anonymous, at 8:45 AM
Sheesh, it's one thing to like the idea of Harry and Hermione getting together, but it's another to get so obsessed with it!
I'm not a shipper, but if I *had* to choose between R/Hr and H/Hr it would be H/Hr. That doesn't mean, however, that I have shit for brains (like you, apparantly), because I saw Ron and Hermione coming from a million miles off.
So it's not canon. Who gives a fuck? If you want H/Hr to happen, just write yourself a nice fic in which they have hot sex all night. In a way, that's even better than seeing it in the books, 'cause it'd be all up to you. You can make Hermione's hair "sleek and smooth" and you can make Harry a suave gentleman who can say the right things at the right time. If that's what you want, DO IT. It's what *I* do, anyway.
Just stop throwing your little childish tantrums on the net and showing us that you are, indeed, delusional and a moronic shithead. And stop insulting JKR - she's a our goddess, because without her this entire fandom wouldn't even exist.
By Anonymous, at 9:06 AM
Omg...I found this today on Snowy's site. It cracks me up.
How about:
By Anonymous, at 9:49 AM
Here, once again, is the email you're avoiding Pumpkinhead. Avoiding, presumably, because the term "cat got tongue" is all too appropriate.
1) Well, firstly Snowy, I would like to point you in the direction of a petition gaining much more support than yours is achieving:
Check out the number of signatures, and the actual signature goal. That's right, a realistic target has been passed. The vast majority of signatures are actually SUPPORTING my petition.
2) Now I know what you're going to say before you even say it. You will undoubtedly say something along the lines of "The proof is in the numbers, bucko" or something similar. Wrong.
petition: A formal written request, esp. signed by many people , appealing to authority in some cause.
Unfortunately, your petition does not apply to this rule for the "cause" of your petition, in other words the statement of your petition, is in fact generating a hell of a lot more abuse and mockery. In reality, the actual amount of GENUINE signatures that SUPPORT your petition still ranks below 100. Besides which, even IF you managed to get a million signatures, that STILL would not be enough. The Harry Potter Series has a LOT more fans than that. HBP did get distributed in what I think was 47 countries after all.
3) Here, I am now going to deconstruct the moronic statement of your petition:
"We, the undersigned, hereby petition Joanne Kathleen Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series, to immediately apologize for her remarks included in the interview conducted by Emerson of MuggleNet and Melissa of The Leaky Cauldron, in particular the following words:
"Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione." "
This is not the only time that JKR has hinted at the Heron ship being the one that would sail. She also mentioned that Harry and Hermione were very "platonic" friends. Platonic means non-sexual. Plus, there is that ANVIL-SIZED quote that appears in Goblet of Fire in which Harry denies "very firmly" that he fancies Hermione. Even if you don't believe in the Heron ship, that quote alone should have at least given you the sign that Harry/Hermione would never happen. Also, there is the tons of evidence provided by Mina, a lot of which you STILL have not deconstructed. Where are those further "deconstructions" hmm? Did you give up after it turned out that people were deconstructing your deconstructions of the Heron evidence, but no-one was able to deconstruct the deconstructions of your pathetic so-called Harmony evidence that you provided?
4) "In addition, we strongly DEMAND that Joanne Kathleen Rowling apologize for laughing at the term "delusional," as it was applied to the millions of Harry/Hermione shippers throughout the world."
Millions? Hardly. I think you'll find, based on the evidence of the large Heron support in your petition, the Loyalty to Emerson petition, and the Crazy Shipper Ban petition, that Harmony shippers are horribly outnumbered ever since HBP. And she wasn't laughing at the term "delusional", she was laughing at Emerson. After all, Emerson's attitude is "If you don't like it, get off my site." What makes Mugglenet so successful is that while it is the biggest provider of Harry Potter related news, it also reflects the personal opinions of those who write for Mugglenet: that is to say the people who write the editorials, and Emerson himself.
5) "We also petition Joanne Kathleen Rowling to rectify the situation in Book 7, clearing up any questions the few Ron/Hermione shippers (the truly "delusional" ones) floating around might have about the one true romantic relationship that matters in the Harry Potter books, that of Harry and Hermione. "
Have you actually read the book? If you had then you would realise that Heron shippers are not delusional, for it was Ron/Hermione that happened, not Harry/Hermione. You've provided pitifully little Harry/Hermione, where as we truly SANE fans in The Good Fight For Sanity have come up with TONS of evidence. Also, Harry Potter is by no means a romantic novel. Au contraire, the main focus of the books is Harry's continuing battle with Lord Voldemort. The romance in the books is little more than a subplot, rather much like Quidditch, and the lessons which the students take.
But then again, what would you know about the books? If I may recall, one of your posts on your petition stated that your beliefs are not based on the books, but the MOVIES, saying, and I quote: "Dan and Emma would look so much more cute together" If this was a petition to get Dan and Emma together in REAL LIFE, then you may have a point. After all, lots of examples exist of film couples who have worked together: Tim Burton and Helen Bonham Carter (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory), Johnny Depp used to go out with Winona Ryder (and they did "Edward Scissorhands"), Tom Cruise used to date Nicole Kidman (and they did "Eyes Wide Shut") and of course, there is the "Will they? Won't they?" of Hollywood, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (Mr and Mrs Smith). However, we're not talking about Dan and Emma, we're talking about Harry and Hermione, and you are still yet to provide solid evidence for the existence of Harry/Hermione.
6) "Otherwise, we have no choice but to ban Book 7 when it comes out. As the millions of Harry/Hermione shippers are the only "true" fans of the Harry Potter book series, this action will seriously affect books sales, and will undoubtedly force Bloomsbury and Scholastic to reconsider any future Harry Potter publications."
This bit is just hilarious. Please learn some grammar lessons: it's BOYCOTT not BAN. And those who are asking JKR to change her books are "true fans"? To quote Dr. Evil: "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggghhhhhhhhhhttttttttttt" Also, what "future Harry Potter publications" do you speak of? In case you haven't noticed, Harry Potter 7 will the last book in the series, and unless JKR decides to release a HP Encyclopaedia (which is highly unlikely considering that detailed HP encyclopaedias already exist on the internet (see Lexicon, Mugglenet, or Wikipedia)), after HP7 there will simply be the movies that will need to happen and then that's it. JKR can put her feet up and have a well deserved rest. Of course, the books will still be open for debate even AFTER they have finished, such will be it's great legacy.
If you are really wanting a romantic novel, then I suggest that you stop disgracing the internet with your laughable delusions and that you read books by the Brontes, stuff like Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights and Emma. Or if you want something more recent, try His Dark Materials. It fits in with your whole "The Hero and the Heroine find love with each other" logic.
7) "Shortly after the release of the sixth book in the Harry Potter series: Half Blood Prince, two people, representing two different websites: Mugglenet and The Leaky Cauldron, were lucky enough to interview the great Joanne Kathleen Rowling herself. During the interview, humourous banter was exchanged, particularly on the subject of shippers. Unfortunately, a misinterpretation of the word "delusional" used during the interview led to a petition and an angry web page being created by Otter Snow, or Snowy if you prefer. Otter Snow is a Harry/Hermione shipper who was furious that this ship did not sail in HBP. Her fury can be seen here:
and of course here:
But Otter Snow is not the only hostile Harry/Hermione shipper (or "Harmony" shippers if you prefer). There is of course Pumpkinhead, and his site:
Pumpkinhead's resentment of Miss Rowling even stretches to calling her JRK. He, like Otter Snow, is incapable of using decent facts to support his evidence. Instead, he focuses on the so-called "travesty" that "one of the greatest love stories has not been told".
What both Otter Snow and Pumpkinhead fail to realise is that the Harry Potter series is not, and never will be, centred on the romance. So much more important things happened in HBP, such as the death of an extremely important character, and the issue of whether Severus Snape is truly evil. So to vent anger and abuse at Miss Rowling simply because two characters did not end up together is utterly pathetic.
Anyway, what with abuse raining in on Miss Rowling and Emerson, we now feel that the time is right to show undying support and loyalty for Mugglenet, a site fronted by Emerson, who actually manages to be extremely funny. And of course the time is right also to pledge support for Miss Rowling in her writing of the books, and of course, support for Book 7.
Therefore, we the undersigned pledge full loyalty to Emerson and to Miss Rowling.
Thank you."
No grammatical errors, no unrealistic aims, hardly any abuse in response, and most importantly, the petition has passed its signature goal of 100 (a realistic target), and still it continues to grow.
8: Finally, a haiku.
Face it, you're losing,
Sanity's going to triumph,
Leave while you still can.
•Emerson's Thugs Rock On Forever•
Give Snowy hell from us Peeves...
"Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione."
Get. Over. It.
P.S. Don't forget to address the Heron evidence and provide some decent Harmony evidence!
By Anonymous, at 9:55 AM
Face it: we have the books (with words undelusionally untwisted), JK rowling, and th ebacking of Mugglenet and The Leaky Couldren. YOU LOSE.
By Anonymous, at 10:06 AM
You guys are too much, really. Why did you get so upset about the mugglenet interview? By getting as upset as you are (and do as much anti-mugglent stuff as you do,) all you're doing is proving Emerson's point. In all honesty, one of my ships is SB/RL, JK sunk it. I've had it insulted loads of times on various message boards, livejournal communities, websites, etcetera, but you don't see me or any other SB/RL shippers campaigning against the release of the 7th book. So he's with Tonks now, big deal. That was the author's vision. JK didn't write these books to make YOU happy, she wrote them to write some books. You read them, you accept what is written whether you like it or not, or you don't read them. Being angry at Mrs Rowling at this point is simply absurd. Maybe from all standpoints you can think of, Hermione and Harry would have gone together. Maybe they are compatable, but there's one huge thing missing. Ready, kids? MUTUAL ATTRACTION. People say all that time that my best friend of opposite gender and I would go great together, but the problem is that we don't like each other. You see? There is something called chemistry, and Hermione and Harry don't have it. Sorry, but it's true. You can still like the idea of H/Hr, but really, this is just nonsense.
By Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
You guys are too much, really. Why did you get so upset about the mugglenet interview? By getting as upset as you are (and do as much anti-mugglent stuff as you do,) all you're doing is proving Emerson's point. In all honesty, one of my ships is SB/RL, JK sunk it. I've had it insulted loads of times on various message boards, livejournal communities, websites, etcetera, but you don't see me or any other SB/RL shippers campaigning against the release of the 7th book. So he's with Tonks now, big deal. That was the author's vision. JK didn't write these books to make YOU happy, she wrote them to write some books. You read them, you accept what is written whether you like it or not, or you don't read them. Being angry at Mrs Rowling at this point is simply absurd. Maybe from all standpoints you can think of, Hermione and Harry would have gone together. Maybe they are compatable, but there's one huge thing missing. Ready, kids? MUTUAL ATTRACTION. People say all that time that my best friend of opposite gender and I would go great together, but the problem is that we don't like each other. You see? There is something called chemistry, and Hermione and Harry don't have it. Sorry, but it's true. You can still like the idea of H/Hr, but really, this is just nonsense.
By Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
This pathetic troll (note the sarcasm) is going to school today, so you won't see me that much anymore. Bye, but keep up the Good Fight For Sanity!
By Anonymous, at 6:44 AM
Please, please... don't make yourself the laughing stock of the net community. PLEASE... when you look back at this in, say four or five years, you might just feel ashamed about throwing a temper trantrum like a kid that doesn't get the toy it fancied for X-mas.
Fancying two fantasy people together is a great thing. But you try to force things into a way that just won't work out. Hey, I ought to know, because my favorite pairing was abolished by the original author, and it hurt like hell, because I fought years against all the other shippers to 'prove' that I was right.
You're not doing yourself or others a favor with this. Honestly.
By Anonymous, at 8:09 AM
Ooh! I get it now! It's all a joke! You're not really serious, you're just mocking the Harmonians (different than the sane H/Hr shippers) who demand that the book be written to please them by imitate them.
Just a joke. No one can be so naive.
By Anonymous, at 12:25 PM
Yep. That's what I was saying, this is all a joke.
By Anonymous, at 1:14 PM
Email of mine that I found on snowy's site:
From Ali:
Dear Snowy,
I know you have probably heard this a million times from other people, but whatever. Now, I will try to be polite about this, but it's going to be tough. I'm sorry, but your website and petition are going a little too far. I was never a big shipper myself, but I'll admit, I was thinking that a Ron/Hermione ship seemed more likely, but I wanted Harry/Hermione to happen, though I thought that it wouldn't be as likely. Yes, I think that Emerson might have been too harsh in using "delusional", but he apologized.
Why do you think that you can make JKR change the books, just for what you want? Don't you realize that SHE wrote the books, and it's up to her to do what she planned in the first place. If you read the interview, you would have read this part:
"MA: Watching all this, were you surprised when you first logged on and found this intense devotion to this thing you knew was not going to happen?
JKR: Yes. Well, you see, I'm a relative newcomer to the world of shipping, becuase for a long time, I didn't go on the net and look up Harry Potter. A long time. Occasionally I had to, because there were weird news stories or something that I would have to go and check, because I was supposed to have said something I hadn't said. I had never gone and looked at fan sites, and then one day I did and oh- my- god. Five hours later or something, I get up from the computer shking slightly [all laugh]. 'What is going on?' And it was during that first mammoth session that I met the shippers, and it was a most extraordinary thing. I had no idea there was this huge underworld seething beneath me."
See? She always knew it was going to happen. She was never "influenced" by Ron/Hermione or Harry/Ginny shippers.
There is so much of the Ron/Hermione evidence that I simply can't type it all. (and if you say anything, it's not because I type very slowly) Plus, a lot of people have already covered that.
Oh yeah, and I'm a writer, so I wouldn't like it if someone told me to change my works to their liking. Anyway, what would JKR say? "Oh're right! I've been so wrong to write my own books and write what I've been planning for fifteen years! In book seven I have to rewrite the entire plot so that I can make a very small percentage of my fans happy! Oh my god...I have to start fixing what I always meant to have happen right away!" I mean, seriously. Also, do you even care about Dumbledore's death? Do you even care about whether Snape is evil or innocent? Do you even care about anything other than the fact that Hermione didn't end up with Harry?
Anyway, maybe I'll stop thinking you're (dare I say it) delusional if you post more evidence on your site. However, a few things bothered me. First of all, you said that Ron and Lavender's romance seemed "almost real". Unless kissing every second you're together seems like a romance to you, it (and I'll put this bluntly) wasn't. If you read carefully, it says that Ron wanted to get rid of Lavender, he just couldn't figure out how. Plus, in your piece of "evidence" where Hermione is talking about why Harry is so popular and "fanicable"...notice the part where Ron's talking about himself? Trying to impress her? Also, Hermione was just being her knowledgeable self. When Hermione was shaking when she got her O.W.L results, notice that before she said "oh I have a feeling I've failed everything!" or something like that? It had NOTHING to do with Harry. Has she ever shook before that when she was next to Harry?
I know that there was some more, but I think others have already covered those, and probably what I just covered.
PS. If you want to make fun of my name, Ali isn't my real name. It's a shortened version of my name, but not like you'd think. If you want to just swear at me, that's just wasting your and my time. If you say that my email is a waste of your time, then stop reading it. If you say HOW DARE YOU you'll just give me something to laugh about. If you say that my email has put you to sleep (and I've stopped being polite now) then I'm glad I've put a delusional out of action. And yes, I support Emerson. Does that cover it?
P.P.S. I almost forgot! Does it say anywhere on that email you so proudly posted that it was written by Hilary Duff? It just says Hilary!
My reply:
You're absolutely right!!!
Your email did indeed put me to sleep.
By Anonymous, at 5:44 PM
Oh you moron. You poor subhuman, nazi, homophobic, racist, delusional (*gasp* I said the D-word!) moron. You keep this site going, and you have one at Geocities. Yes, I'm implying that you, Pumpkinnose, and Snotface are the same person.
You have no hope. We've accepted it, that is to say, the SANE H/Hr shippers. Why can't you? They weren't meant to be together. Yes, it would be cute. And yes, we would've rubbed it in their faces if it had happened. But it didn't. Harmony is dead, except in the fanfiction realm. There are plenty of sites willing to host it.
Don't like JKR's version? Write your own.
By Anonymous, at 8:36 PM
You're a total loser, you know that?
You have a blog dedicated to a teenage guy in a children's book who's supposed to like one girl and likes another.
You're out of college, right?
Do something with your goddamn life, assbite.
(P.S. There is no way you're out of college because your grammar and spelling are shit. Don't use words like mendacious, self-evident (seriously, how do you confuse the word "evident" with "palpable"? They share one letter in common.), or rationale if you can't even spell them right.)
(P.P.S., there is a reason I'm not trying to actually argue against your point, and that is because it is clear that you're the kind of person who is absolutely never going to back down from a point of view. As much as I admire your energy, you're putting it into a completely worthless cause, for no reason other than your own whims.)
By Anonymous, at 7:49 PM
Wow, assholes. I mean really, look it over again. Read ALL OF THE BOOKS ALL OVER AGAIN. Seriously, all of you H/Hr shippers ARE delusional. This is my first time visiting an H/Hr shipping website and all that you guys say are clearly insults. INSULTS, I mean, grow up people. I checked here to see what the point is between Harry and Hermione getting together, but all of you assholes obviously have your thong stuck too tight up your *ahem* to grow up and USE YOUR HEADS. Clearly, you've been defeated. Lay back. Go pick up a different series of books, WHERE THE SO-CALLED HERO "GETS THE GIRL", okay? You don't have to purchase another HP book. And oh please, don't hate on JKR. Don't hate. It gets you nowhere. NOWHERE. *sigh* So, go and um... go do something else. Something worthwhile. SOMETHING YOU'LL GET YOUR WAY IN CAUSE OBVIOUSLY, YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANYWHERE!!! Pathetic, paranoid, DELUSIONAL ( yeah, laugh JKR, you deserve it. They ARE delusional), assholes!! Really. I'm just, I can't even beeeeelieve that ya would go so far as to insult the woman who has, OBVIOUSLY, made your best series of books. THE NERVE!!! THE NERVE!!!!
By Anonymous, at 10:24 PM
uh-oh. S.O.M.E.O.N.E needs a serious nappie change. hah got that off Emerson, who ROCKS and u DON'T. u suck. ur just an overgrown crybaby who cant get a job. harry/hermione equals never in a million years and u/otter snow deserve to be shunned by society. i bet u that book 7 will be the GREATEST BOOK EVER TO BE SOLD and there's nothing u can do about it cuz ur losing anyways so give up now and accept the fact and let people live their lives without worrying about u spoilt brats. people like u and otter snow shouldn't exist.
By Anonymous, at 2:12 AM
Harmony shippers. Without doubt the most stubborn specimens on Earth. Seeing as how both Pumpkinhead and Snowy are ignoring my previous email/essay, best to start afresh I suppose:
Gotta laugh at this. Got onto Snowy's website only to find a Yahoo Error Message proclaiming that the site was unaccessable for at least another hour because it had exceeded it's bandwith.
(rolls eyes)
Let me guess then, Version 3 is in the works, right? God, I can't believe that our darling Snowy still believes her petition is doing well. Far from it. My petition over at:
is scoring much higher in terms of actual support than Snowy's joke of a petition.
Also looked at her celebrations of having reached 2700 signatures. All I have to say is, WTF? The pictures come from fricking Lord of the Rings! Hello Snowy? Irrelevance Police?
Also, some more irony comes in the form of Snowy providing a definition of "homophobia", part of which mentions the "discrimination of homosexuals". And yet Snowy therefore describes Trish as a homophobe.
So hang on, let me get this straight. If you get seriously pissed off at a stupid little girl who is launching degratory remarks against homosexuals, and then launce a huge defence of them, THAT makes you a homophobe? Oookkkkaaaaaayyyyyy.
Well, here's a defenition which also suits you down to the ground.
Cowardice: lack of courage or resolution
Why do I give you that defenition. Because you are unable to directly answer any essays, such as the email I sent which you STILL have not published. Instead, you hide behind cheap insults, not to mention disgraceful homophobia. Not only that, but you are too much of a coward to deconstruct the deconstructions of your Harmony and "Hermione hates Ron" evidence. And you are too much of a coward to deconstruct any more Heron evidence, nor to deconstruct the deconstructions of your deconstructions of the Heron evidence. You are also too much of a coward to provide any more evidence for your beliefs, even though your "evidence" as you put it is heavily out-weighed by the tons of evidence as graciously provided by Mina. And why is all this? Because you know DAMN WELL for a fact that we are right and you are wrong, and you are just too much of a COWARD to admit it. Show a little backbone won't you? You spineless, homophobic, nasty hypocrite.
The following now comes from a post made on the forums just today:
Ok, Caina, you still haven't replied to my last post nor have you posted a real reply to my original post, so I shall start afresh.
I'm going to put this straight. Caina, my main argument against you is that you represent one of the people that posts on the H.M.S. Harmony forums. My own personal experience of the H.M.S. forums is with the use of two user-names. In the form of DieterKahn, I posted stuff that I had posted on Otter Snow's and Pumpkinhead's websites, unaware that forum rules prohibited the use of quotes from other sites. So, posting as my real name, Jonathan, I sent an Open Letter To The H.M.S. Harmony forums. You may or may not have seen it, I don't know. I had really hoped, at the time, that I would get a response. This time, I hoped (and I had not quoted from other sites) that I could get a response thus sparking an INTELLIGENT DEBATE (You see where I'm going with this?) and all could be civil. Not so. My post was deleted, and shortly before being banned, I was to receive a personal message that, to my surprise, the H.M.S. Harmony was apparently supposed to be a "safe haven" for H/Hr shippers and that "debates" were therefore outlawed. You might wonder where the surprise came from. It's quite simple. The actual title of that forum is simply "Harry Potter". While it does say that this is a place for H/Hr shippers to weep and anguish, it also says that the forum is for the purposes of discussing Harry Potter. So therefore, like it or not, other ships of the Harry Potter series were therefore logically up for discussion. Another example of moderators banning someone simply because they offered a differing view comes from this quote that comes up next. Remember the Heron evidence I posted on the "Opposition" board? This same evidence was brought to the H.M.S. Harmony by one of my associates and this was the result:
Mod Note: This post has been edited because, as it was, it would have instigated a debate, which happens to be against our current policy.
Comments such as:
She is never described favourably again.
If this is not hate/LOVELOVELOVE relationship, then what is?
It's his fault she got hurt, for pity's sake.
Are therefore considered trolling, due to the general dismissive, categorical, condescending and, bluntly put, annoying content.
We thank you for spewing all that VOMIT on us, but seeing as how this is primarily a H/Hr forum, your post is against our rules.
-Ana Christina
Now, would it have hurt to tackle the quotes directly? Absolutely not, no reason is given at all as to why the post is "VOMIT" as Ana Christina says. A better action would have been to tackle the issues head on, and not simply hiding behind lame excuses such as "a debate is against our current policy." I've tackled your issues, and this is why I ask that you tackle mine.
My other reason is the content of your webiste. As before mentioned, a lot of the essays come from the H.M.S. Harmony, and considering the environment in which the essays come from (where hugely despicable abuse often rains in on JKR), I do feel it highly devalues them. Not only that, but the essays totally fail to bring forward any real evidence, no QUOTES (I'm sorry, it had to be said) that actively support Harmony.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing at all against you shipping Hermione and Harry to get together, I don't have a problem with that. In fact, I am perfectly fine with shippers of other faiths as well. The only problem is, unlike shippers such as Harry/Draco, Snape/Hermione and Remus/Sirius (whose fantasies are purely fanon), the Harmony ship actually is supposed to boast of having Canon evidence. And like someone else said, if you're shipping a ship that big, then Canon is a NECESSITY. This is why Heron shippers have been quick to draw out the gargantuan Heron evidence.
Next, your quotes section. You have no idea how excited I was when I initially saw that. I thought "At last! A Harmony shippers website which will provide Canon evidence. I was extremely dissapointed to find quotes not from the books, movies or interviews, but simply from Harmony shippers saying what the Harmony ship was. Bad form, Caina, really bad form. This was a perfect opportunity to launch the best defence of your ship possible, in providing canon quotes to support your ship, and you blew it. Totally.
Finally, your Year 6 fic. I'm sorry, but you have to consider what it looks like when you're doing that. No matter what you insist you're doing, to everyone it just looks like attempting to rewrite the novel. I'm sorry, but HBP has been finished. Released. Done with.
What WOULD intrigue me, however, is, rather than writing a Year 6 fic, how about writing how you think Book 7 will turn out. That would be FANTASTIC. You undoubtedly have promise as a writer, and writing a Year 7 fic would look well good.
In summary, when I came here, what I wanted was something that Snowy and Pumpkinhead had not provided, that is, an in-depth, detailed analytical answer to my essay. If you do not agree with my essay, give a detailed, constructive response why.
Thank you.
By the way Snowy, let me tell you something. The potential to ban you and your moronic, homophobic website still exists, for as it says in the Yahoo Community Guidelines:
"Do not post content that is obscene or otherwise objectionable."
Also, the Petitionspot guidelines are:
"The contents of your petition must not be defamatory, libelous, or slanderous. It must not be intended and likely to produce lawless action in any country. It must not contain vulgarity, profanity, or obscenity."
To complain to Geocities, contact:
And to complain to Petitionspot, contact
Hate to break it to you Snowy. Therefore, any more obscene remarks like the ones you've been making and you are banned at the click of a button.
•Emerson's Thugs Rock On Forever•
•Emerson's Thugs: We're better than you militants, and we know it!•
Give Snowy hell from us Peeves...
"Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione."
Get. Over. It.
By Anonymous, at 7:24 AM
oh wow johnathan MARRY ME!! i love u ur the best sane person alive
By Anonymous, at 9:10 AM
Look, if you're going to be an idiot, can you at least be an idiot with proper grammar? Reading this blog has made me want to weep the English language.
And please, for the love of all you hold dear, stop using big words that you don't know the meaning of! All you have to do is type 'dictionary' into Google.
Setting aside the illogical and childish insults that seem to define your arguments, I'd like to ask you something, if I may?
Where is the H/Hr evidence? Where is it? I'm genuinely curious. I'm not saying you shouldn't 'ship H/Hr. Heck, 'ship Harry/The Giant Squid for all I care... I just don't get how you think that it's so obvious that they should be together.
I've asked my H/Hr friends... and they all say that they just liked the two of them together.
But when I ask Harmonians, all I get is 'read our essays', which are mostly symbolist nonsense and discussion of literary technique.
If you ask a R/Hr 'shipper why they 'ship R/Hr, you will get dozens of page numbers and author quotes.
So give me page numbers! Refute the 'platonic friends' quote! You seem to be so good at evasive grandstanding... but can you really back H/Hr up with canon?
As I said, 'ship whatever you want in fanon. That's really what 'shipping is all about. Having fun and writing fanfic.
So why can't we all just get back to that? What's the point of still fighting?
Put your money where your mouth is, Pumkinhead. I've thrown in the gauntlet. Are you going to pick it up?
Yes I know that, in all probability, this is just a troll poking fun at 'shippers in general. I'd be very, very happy if it was, even if it did mean that I put up this long-winded post for nothing. But I guess this just proves that 'shippers are as Rowling says: militant. :P
I'm a troll-feeder, lalala...
By Anonymous, at 11:22 PM
Oh, come on, people! Don't you get that this is a brilliant way to show us how batshit crazy fandom is?
I bet pumpkinhead is a sane H/Hr shipper who wants to have a good laugh. And therefore, s/h/it mocks those who are delusional, even though they might ship the same.
*toasts* Rock on, pumpkinhead! You'll never cease to be a source of amusement and wank! ^_^
By Anonymous, at 2:23 PM
OMG Harry/Giant Squid: OTP!!!1! Or even better - OMG Harry/Giant Squid/Hogwarts Castle: OT3!!!1!
Hee. ^_^
By Anonymous, at 2:26 PM
No way! Ford Angelina/The Giant Squid=OTP! :P
By Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
Hi. I mocked you.
By Jonn Wood, at 5:08 PM
I sent a letter to the people at geocities. I'll keep sending them letters until they take that site down. It is the most offensive and sickening thing I have ever read. It was funny at first, but now it's just pathetic. We need to move "otter snow" to the psycho ward as soon as possible, she is a serious threat to society.
Oh, and pumpkinhead? I still think you're funny but if you start going bad (worse, I should say. You're already pretty bad) like otter snow, you're going down. This is not a threat, if you get as serious as otter snow, you should be kicked off the web before you scar some poor child for life. I will see it as my duty that you are closed down the moment you start faking letters from clebrities and calling innocent posters homophobic.
By Anonymous, at 8:40 PM
Pumpkinhead, you're awfully stubborn, aren't you?
Why can't you just accept the fact that your ship has sunk? Nothing in HBP suggests that there could be H/Hr in Book 7 anyway.
Face it: throughout the books, there have been huge hints for Ron/Hermione. Even J.K herself said that Harry and Hermione are platonic friends.
I don't recall there ever being a romantic moment between Harry and Hermione. How could you even think of it, despite all of these hints?
Just learn to accept it. And don't forget, Harry Potter isn't a romance novel. Just give it up, you're making a big fuss over something that isn't the most important subject in the Harry Potter books.
The movies: they're just on-screen adaptations of the books, therefore you shouldn't take anything you see seriously.
And as for that petition: Ha. Good luck. Petitions never work. It will never get JKR to change her mind, I'm sure.
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