pumpkinhead's Un-Tribute to JRK

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Pride and Prejudice of JRK

Well everyone, it's been a long time since I've posted around here. To be frankly honest, I went through a long period of depression about what we believe in, the True Love of Harry and his long-lost Hermione. School was pretty tough because it was difficult to get through English class without the teacher comparing the great literature of the past centuries with that traitor JRK's tragic works. Lately we had to read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, a true love novelist that JRK could learn alot from. The book was most amazing and I could not help from comparing it to the Half-Blood Fraud with how it has the two star-crossed lovers unite at the end unlike the travesty of all-time we know.

First off I must give you a sad admission for I degraded myself into reading Mugglenet, the people that had a loser interview with the traitor JRK in which they all mocked the True Fans of HP. I will not even bother to link to that most agravating thing because I can't bear to read those words one more time (the link is on the right side of this Action Blog). I only was reading Mugglenet because I was coming out of my series of depressions about H+H and I wanted to see if maybe JRK had recounted on her vow to keep them a part. Unfortunately there was no such joyful news but what I did see was this pole that shows why us True Fans are correct.

This pole asked people what their favorite books were that they could never part with, much like their True Love in papercover format. The results were:
1) Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 20%
2) Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkein 17%
3) Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte 14%
4) Harry Potter books - J K Rowling 12%
5) To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee 9.5%
6) The Bible 9%
7) Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte 8.5%
8) 1984 - George Orwell 6%
9) His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman 6%
10) Great Expectations - Charles Dickens .55%
Well no duh! Notice how the greatest love story of all time (after Romeo and Juliet, a novel that is somehow absent from this pole?!) beats out the JeRK's books which betrayed their own love story? I think this is what scientists call a pattern. This got me thinking harder than ever about True Love and why Harry and Hermione are meant to be united as sweat hearts once and for all.

In Pride and Prejudice, the True Lovers are seperated by cruel circumstances far beyond their control, much like the magic that keeps H+H a part. For those of you who don't know this great story, let me fill you in. It takes place in the olden days in England, not long after the days of Romeo and Juliet. The main characters are Elizabeth and Darcy. Darcy is very rich and at first seems like a bit of a mean person. There are lots of other characters and it gets pretty confusing at a lot of times but in the end, Elizabeth realizes that Darcy is actually not that mean and in fact he's super nice because he loves his sister. She freaks out when she realizes that she should have married him when she had the chance (hello, Hermione!) and they run and meet in a field and kiss right before the end of the movie. Lady Catherine is Darcy's mom and let me just say that she is definitely like JRK, she's old and really crotchy and most of all she tries to keep the True Lovers a part like her descender JRK. Also, there are Bingley and Mr. Collings who like Ron and Viktor Krum keep Elizabeth away from her True Love. Same with Anne de Burger who has an arranged marriage with Darcy. But in the end all of the slings and errors of fortune can't stop the love from coming together. I can't remember the historic background but I'm pretty sure Elizabeth becomes Queen and I think Darcy supports her until they both grow old.

Notice something here? The Pride of JRK is keeping her from admitting her mistake of keeping the True Love of Harry and Hermione a part. She has PREJUDICE against this True Love. I hope she can get past this but I am still extremely upset. Prejudice against love is like other prejudices, almost as bad as racism.



Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Harry and Hermione: the star-cross'd lovers of their time?

Hi everyone, for the last week or so I've been too busy to contribute to the blog but that doesn't mean my mind has wandered from the Tragedy of Harry and Hermione. In fact, far from wandering, my mind has been centering in on the beautiful Truths of this story. Of lately, I've been comparing this romance and its cruelly apparent termination with other such romantic engagings across the ages. Although many such sproutings of True Love have come into my mind, one stands out above all the rest, for its purity and its classicity: William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. This all time epic story of love and betrayal and tears is alike in so many ways to my own generation's once-classic Harry Potter series that I cannot get the similarity of the love out of my mind. Harry and Hermione, like their ancestors Romeo and Juliet, have been torn apart because of senseless greed and hate. In Shakespeare's novel, the two "star-cross'd" lovers are forced to seperate because there is a plague on both their houses. In JRK's now-desecrated version, there is a similar - except positive - curse on Harry's house, which allows him to stay safely with the Durseley's. And, of course, Hermione is plagued in that she lives in a Muggle house. Talk about a plague on both houses!

Of course, this important similarity is minor compared to the main thematic singularity between them of TRAGEDY. Harry and Hermione, True Lovers from the starting point they met one another, have only been able to blossom together for a very short period in time. Like Romeo and Juliet, everyone has been working against them being together, including Dumbledore and all others who have forced Harry to live away from Hermione, at the Durseley's, while she and Ron are put together every summer at the Burrow. Like a burrowing mole, this plot has made an insidious and deep hole into the health of this young, volatile but passionate relationship. Trapped within these two opposing houses, one within the magical world and one within the human one, the two lovers can hardly ever even speak to one another. Like Romeo and Juliet using the Priest as a go-between messenger, Harry and Hermione have to use Hedwig. And in continuity with this point, Harry and Hermione are of course put into different dorms at Hogwarts, and their fellow students, in their immature teenagehood, selfishly conspire to attract them to themselves - much like the suiters after Romeo and Juliet.

Harry and Hermione are disposed- like Romeo and Juliet, respectively - irrespectively of their love, by JRK. Judging by the disregarding callousness of JRK towards my fellow True Fans of Harry and Hermione, the author (whose skill I do NOT mean to compare with Shakespeare, who wrote dozens of better novels) had it in for them from the start. Even as she wrote the springing, hopeful future love in the first books, and set up this true storyline, she was secretly conspiring to kill the romance off. Even though this would go against her own true story, she wanted to make a tragedy. Of course, her tragedy, unlike Shakespeare's which is made known to you in the PROLOGUE of the book, is a total about-face and not properly warned to the reader. Did she say that these lovers were "star-cross'd" in the first book? The second? The third? See where I'm going with this? Things were totally switched on a heartbeat, and my heart broke. Unlike with Romeo and Juliet, where you can see things coming and appreciate the tragic beauty of it all, in HBP things are just randomly changed.

And, as the R/H shippers like to so childishly remind the entire globe, JRK had this planned from the start. I now see this. The crime is no less a crime because of this - in fact, it is worse. More over, Harry and Hermione's love is no less true for the fact that it was cruelly "star-cross'd" from the beginning. Was Romeo and Juliet's love less fantastic, less honest, less classic simply because it was cursed? Of course not. Thirdly, the love of H/H was cursed from OUTSIDE the story, by the author, and not by things INSIDE the story that were properly set up, by the author. When R/H shippers look at H/H's tragic seperation and say "this proves the love was not True", I look at it and say "this proves the books were all a fraud." In honor of the beautiful similarities between these two classic epic-defining loves, both of which were destroyed for petty gain, I have prepared the image below.

Click on the image for a bigger version. Yes, it is photoshopped! I had some fun making all the guns into wands. The gangsters on both sides represent the forces trying to keep Harry/Romeo and Hermione/Juliet apart. If Hogwarts did a school play, surely this would be the poster!

In other news, it seems like some people have been mentioning my work on other sites, which is good publicity for the cause. But these particular two make especially little sense. Hey guys, how about you read my mission statement so you know what my cause is, before you go and make statements that are so non-sensory.



Sigh. Trolls really enjoy the extra space they get at their own websites. But hey, it's a free country and there's no law against being ignorant.



Hey guys, I'm not dead!

Never fear, just like the True Love of Harry and Hermione, I am not dead! Sorry I haven't been able to post to the blog for some time, but I've been at working so much lately.

Later tonight I'm going to post my latest essaying into the issue of True Love, and I know it will spark some very constructive thought and discussion. It's so good to see that everyone's been staying on, discussing of this serious matter of Betrayal and Disception vs. True Love.



Friday, August 19, 2005

True Love sparks Sad Hate

Well, it seems that the little picture in my last post has really got the trolls upset. It seems like they can't accept that the actors were simply "method acting" and their intimate moment was simply a natural, beautiful outcropping of an obviously True fictional love.

One particularly pleasant comment, from "ali":
the way this is turning out, I'm not sure if these people are even HUMAN...

This kind of response is typically pathetic. I'm not trying to be rude, even to my trolls (who are often polite), but I don't know why I'm subhuman because I believe in True Love. In fact, I think that is a thing making me HUMAN. It is unfortunately the case with debates such as this arguing that people would get frustrated and lash out - I guess it's only HUMAN to do so!

By the way, I thought I was supposed to be the Nazi, but now you guys are calling us subhumans? This is quite a turn of consistency!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Just a little reminder to R/H shippers...

...Or True Fans!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

It has been a while!

Hi everyone!

Sorry, I've been working at my work a lot lately. Even though I just finished college, I'm still working for my parents. They own a new business and need the help, so I'm putting my college degree to the use for them. I think it's been worth it so far, even though I've missed all the web. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to write on my blog at all lately. Also, my copy of Half Blood Worst Story Ever was lent out to a co-worker so she could read about the terribly tragic turn of events held there-in. So now that I have it back, I can restart marshing evidence against all the TROLLS around here. But hey, I don't mind the trolls, it's like having a piece of JRK's magical world right here on the internet. You know what? I don't mind the rest of her magical writings at all, in fact I love them because I am a TRUE FAN. But since the afwul, mendatious touring away from the long obvious truth in the latest "book" her magical writings have been stained with tabloid style scandalous stupid "love" stories.

Does anybody else get the sense that when they were reading the latest installation of JRK's series that they were actually reading something from the checking out counter at their local shopping place?

It's like all of a sudden, thanks to a total crossing of everything that had gone before that TRUE FANS held dearest, JRK, the most selling author of all time, had suddenly changed from a best-selling author into a writer for the National Inquirer. Or more likely, something like People or Us! Weekly. I wouldnt be surprised to see a picture of Jessica Simpson or Tom Cruise together on the pages of Half-Assed Effort, it was like the authoring of this piece was aimed at creating scandal. Is Ron and Hermione supposed to be a love story, or is it like some silly reality TV show we are supposed to be liking to entertain us?

Ok, now that I have time to go through my copy of the worst book with my find tooth comb, I can show all the small brained troll users that they are pathetically, pitibly wrong. I'm pretty happy that I have the time to get back to being a TRUE FAN, and I hope you guys can join me along the ways.

P.S.: somebody in comments said I went to Princeton. That's not true, but they're "close". Whoever guesses my college first wins a free chance to guest-blog on this blog!

Oh and yes I make spelling mistakes. Sorry if I'm not as smart at that stuff as you are, it's not like trolls need to be able to spell properly anyways.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Response to comments and more

First of all, I would like to give a thanks to all the people who have taken the times to post comments on my blog. Much appreciation goes out to the people trying to have a real conversation with my side of the aisle. Most unfortunate, however, a few people have been making very rediculous alagories about my good ally snowy and people who share our point of view. According to MissTrish, the popularity of our broadbase movement makes us alike to Nazis!
There were a lot of Nazis during WW2, Snowy, does that make them right and the
rest of the world wrong?

Well, no, MissTrish, it doesn't. But what does Hitler have to do with anything - besides the fact that he bears striking characteristics to Voldemort? I guess some people just can't retain from making proof of Godwin's Law, and must bring up Nazi's at every point when they're logical deficiencies become way too obvious for all. Your only success, MissTrish, was to make me prove Godwin's Law, too, by comparing Hitler and You-Know-Who! Sorry, but I don't feel like engaging in that kind of rubbish bin talking anymore.

In other news, the "What We Believe In" petition is going strong, even though it is too soft on JRK and does not call for a proper ban of book 7 or readership striking action. I believe all True Fans must take the time to sacrifice a minute of their day and just sit down and sign this petition. Here is what I wrote when I signed this monumental document:

This is one of the travesties of all time. One of the most unstoppable love stories ever put into print has now been put into the trash compactor and squished, and all the True Fans will not stand for this desecration of author/reader trusting. How could someone set up this kind of ageless, timely love epic and then within a few pages tear it up so fully? If you are a True Fan of Harry Potter and what the series stands for - ie a community of fans living and breathing and enjoying the story that has been developing all along - then you will sign this petition and have things fixed again for all to notice. A narrow grouping of insideous R/H shippers has taken over the online society of fans and now we need to take it back, it is the ONLY way to save this stoy from the hurricane of tradgedy that has overtaken it and taken it to a place where proper story arcs are disregarded in favorite of rediculous love twists and fancible flights of fiction.

JKR's new name for all to know is now JRK because that is more in tune with her cavalry disregard for her fans - add an 'E' into those initials and you will understand what points I am communicating for all. Just because some R/H shippers were able to hijack an interview with JRK does not mean their point of views are truth, and just because they have been able to hand it up with the author does not make their believes correct. The mannors displayed in this interview are truly disgusting and all True Fans deserve an apology from these ideologically obsessed and elitist web site owners. Visit my website for a site for True Fans. Long live this and all H/H petitions.

We need more H/H fans, the true believers who are not afraid to be yelled at on the internet by the sheep who follow JRK at any cost, to get engaged. Harry and Hermione's love was cut short after only a few sweet, short books.

Oh and P.S.: somebody mentioned that I made a spelling mistake somewhere about saying H/H fangirls instead of R/H fangirls. Uh, ok. I think most people could understand that sentence if they were reading it within the context of the sentence. Sorry if you cannot read those things within context...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

My unflappable fourth post at U.B.

Here it is, the probably final of my essay-type signings at the now-hijacked petition.


Dear ladies and gentlemen of the jury of JRK:

Since my last post (#383), I have been unable to get online thanks to my wireless internet being down (turns out my brother’s router was unplugged – no kidding). In the mean time, the pathetic bunch of R/H shippers lurking around this petition have attacked me personally and devided my ideas based on as little fact as reason. It has been very funny to go through the recent posts and discover the silly rantings of my (and snowy’s and other true fans’) various ideological opponents. These postings to the petition have been based on ideals and nothing more, not reasoning but love of JRK alone.

One R/H shipper has said, and I quote, “Okay, Pumpkinhead, I wish I could stay polite, but you're not simply delusional, you're completely out of your mind.” If that’s the best you preschool-sized-brained people can say, then why even engage in this debating? I know if might seem hard for you blind wor-shippers to belief, but there is more to this arguments then meer posturing. You see, when in the world of debating one person makes a point about something, his opponents must make a counterpoint and not just lunch insults like they are throwing baseballs.

I don’t understand why you individuals can’t comprehense the rationals behind my statings. Can I slow it down, so you can understand it?

  1. It’s not about who I think should be together. It’s about who we have been lead to belief will be together for the entire series until now. My pointers are about manipulation on the half of the author, and how unsensitive she has been in the direction of her reading populus.
  2. Regardless of what you think is best thanks to your reading of a failed manual script, Harry and Hermione where meant to love. This is a fact that too many people have been willing to right off now that book 6 has come out, and all fans that deny this self palpable truth should be dismembered from the group of fans.

Now, is that so problematic to wrap your heads around? What about that two pointers don’t you find possible to read and take on bored?

In accordance to Cattiibrie: “Pumpkinhead, the only possible thing you can do to keep your self a fan of anything is to only read your own works since you cannot be contented with anything but your own plans.”

Well, Cattiibrie, if that is your real name, you must have NOT READ my entire thesis so far, because as you would have graped by now, this is not about my plans, but about JRK’s plans. In fact, the total subjection of my arguments is that JRK has changed her plans on a whim, ignoring her own canons she crafted in earlier books and blasting them out of the water in book 6, THE HALF BLOOD PIECE of fiction. I call it half blooded because JRK only put a half of effort into it, thanks to the clamming of fans who wanted to see a certain two characters together, no matter what was truth.

And, if I wanted to read only my “own works” (I can only assume you meant my “own words”) then I wouldn’t even be here. What do you have to say to that, Cattiibrie? Probably about as much as you have to say to the fact that Harry and Hermione play on the same Quidditch team at the Burrow, but then don’t get together? Talk about throughing out a red herring.

Speaking of red herrings, can ANYBODY tell me the point of Goblet of Fire now that it has become blatant that Harry and Hermione aren’t going to love? Victor Krum was a huge distraction – it was obvious at the time that he was there just for Harry to feel jealousness about Hermione. Oh, and Cho Chang, apparently her entire point in the series – ie, to make Hermione feel her true depth of effection for Harry – is now not a point at all! I guess that was a complete waisting of character exposition, which is just more evidence that JRK did not change her plot thinking until after book 4, when the R/H shippers started to clog the entire websites with their pleating for laughable twists of story.

Hmmmm, something tells me that the trolls on this website aren’t going to have anything at all to say about what my reply has made so obvious to the unbased reading nation?

If you have something to add to the discussion, then by all ways, please try to type it. Of course, I find it hard to conceive of you breaking past the molds which are already created by ignoring R/H’ers.



My controversial third posting at Ultimate Betrayal petition

Additionally to my first post at the Ultimate Betrayal petition, which you can read here, I have contributed to the discussion a number of other times during the past few days. I will reproduce my third and fourth messages to the R/H shippers which are dominating over that website right now. (the second message was simply a challenge to them to argue with me based on the facts of the true story, but instead they continued to make false insults and call myself and my similar thinkers delusional.)


To Whom It May Concern:

It seems that Snowy and I are the only people keeping it real in this petition. Perhaps all you sabotageurs think you’re very funny but I have a good funny for you: your jokes are only adding to the momentum of this petition, which is now nearing the critical mass of 400 posts. Isn’t that funny! In your reflective defense of your favorite novel writer you have only sped her own demise.

Obviously, I do not mean JRK’s financial demise. JRK (or as some of you like to say, “Jo”. As if you know her on a first name basis – talk about “delusional!”) will never run out of money, thanks to the legions of people who allow themselves to be manipulated by her love stores. But, thanks to this petition, people all around the vast internet are discovering about her duplicity and dishonest natures. While JRK will never lose the billions she has managed to hoard, her reputation will be shattered over time. As you might be surprised to hear, I, too, will be sad to know this fact as it becomes evident to all. I was once a believer in JRK, and still consider myself a true fan. I still miss the days when I could worship her as you lemmons do now. But luckily I will not be falling off the cliff along with you as your leader, JRK, takes her followers over the edge in to insanity. Her decision to ruin H/H really entales a general disregard for continuing of story and an apparent willingness to hop on whatever bandwagon the fans are pushing for at the moment – ie a Ron and Hermione relationship. The only way for JRK to fix her colossal mistake is to listen to this petition and correct her story to the way she was writing it all along.

Someone calling herself “Rowling’s woman through and through” made an attempt (#353) to actually respond to my original post (#53), and I appreciate her partial civilness. I guess her name is some sort of play on words from the Harry/ Scrimgeour conversation, when Harry foolishly denies his request. Again, JRK changes things at a moment’s notice, now all of a sudden Harry is anti-government, when we know from past books that he is a hero and morally sound. This is a conflicting flaw of character and temperature that is never explained, except maybe by the fact that Harry is somehow now in love with Ginny and probably not using his brain. But, I digress. “Rowling’s woman” managed to say the same thing again and again in her commentaries. It was a nice change from the inaine natterings of the rest of the people here, but most people can see the repetitiveness of her statings and how hollow they ring false compared to the emotion of true fans.

If you care about Harry Potter, you would realize he is more than a fictional character but actually the creation of millions of imaginations, the imaginations of millions of readers who have conceived him as they read the books. Harry, and Hermione, are not the property of one person’s imagination but their fates have been dictated ABSURDLY upon the rest of us by JRK and her cabal. I understand JRK created the characters but once they have been created and set on a path, they should not, must not, be taken off that path and put into some strange parallel universe which is actually more divergent than parallel. Any author which just wretches a story away from its natural course is abusing her power, and that is when revolutions happen. When dictators abuse their power and make illogical, maniacal decisions in all their disgusting extremities. And that is the reason why I am an ex-fan until things change.



My first petition posting

If you haven't seen the Ultimate Betrayal petetion or don't feel like wading through all the garbage there now, here is a copy of my first posting there, which has inspired so much positive feedback from True Fans and hate from others. I realize the very first of the sentences is melodramatic but that is how I feel! (click the "read more" link for the full post!):

OMG JKR HOW COULD YOU? Your new initials should be JRK because that sounds like "jerk" which is more closely alligned with your brain now that the travesty of HBP is apron us.

I can't belief you would do this awful writing to us. How couldn't Harry and Hermione get together, like we all know they must eventually do? Why have you destroyed this love story which are the best of all the parts in the entire series?

Us true fans will never read your books again. Maybe I will save book 6 from the fire oven but I think you would be lucky to hear me ever reading it again.

When I was waiting for Half Blood Prince I couldn’t wait and I telephoned my friend Jake in England and asked him who died and more important, if H/H were together yet or if it was not until book 7 that they loved. He told me about R/H and H/G and I cried for an hour about how you killed off the best romance of all time, seemingly forever. I couldn’t understand because of how you twisted the story around and ruined it so mostly and entirely.

When I went through the book store party and told all my fellow REAL FANS about the “secrets” in your travesty of a sixth book, they were also so angry and couldn’t possibly comprehense why our beloved JKR (oh, sorry, I mean JRK) would write such words of deception. The non fans, the pathetic R/H shippers and the people who follow JRK along every path she takes them no matter how inaine, kicked me out of the store, the owner was an R/H shipper and didn’t want me telling people the truth about you and your hijacked book, JRK. But now you see from this petition that your TRUE Fans, ie: your EX-Fans, are as innumerous as they are angry.

My reading of the entire HP books is now down in flames, all my experiences of imagination – experiences in fiction unlike you will ever be conscience of - are now destroyed because of your vastly overpublished knife twisting known as HBP.

One can only hope that you are satisfied with what you have “accomplished” with your books? Have you satisfied your craving for bizarre love plot twists that would make a daytime soap opera writer blush in shame? Harry and Hermione not being together, is practically like Harry’s long lost brother coming back from a UFO abduction and then marrying Narcissa. In fact I think I saw that plot once, the show was called “As the Muggle World Turns Insane Thanks To JRK’s Stupidity.” It’s like you have been abducted by a UFO yourself and they forgot to return you your writing part of your brain.

Good luck selling book 7, unless its to the garbage bin in which case I know you won’t need luck. If you see the light, as in if somebody around you casts Lumos and you can finally see the pages on which you are even writing this so called love story of R/H, maybe you will puke like I am doing and you will have to throw those pages out. Don’t buy any Pepto Bismol please, you need to barf all over your own manual script for book 7 so you can THROW IT OUT and fix everything to the best of your ability. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you realize you have to write your way out of this giant plot whole (R/H) that you have created in your story arc.

Bye bye JRK

PS: as in, NOT “buy buy” – cause I’m not buying anything from you or your people ever again.

Welcome to my blog!

Seeing as the Ultimate Betrayal petition website has been hijacked by stupid H/H fangirls, I have decided to move my argmuments to my own blog website. I appreciate what snowy has done for our True fan movement, but unfortunately, the medium of an online petition is not properly suited for proper revolutionary community-based action against the betrayal by JRK.

If you haven't heard, my new name for JKR is JRK, because it sounds more like what she is, a JERK. I'm sorry if that hurts your little wor-shipper ears but sometimes the truth is uncomforting to the willingly blinded.