Response to comments and more
There were a lot of Nazis during WW2, Snowy, does that make them right and the
rest of the world wrong?
Well, no, MissTrish, it doesn't. But what does Hitler have to do with anything - besides the fact that he bears striking characteristics to Voldemort? I guess some people just can't retain from making proof of Godwin's Law, and must bring up Nazi's at every point when they're logical deficiencies become way too obvious for all. Your only success, MissTrish, was to make me prove Godwin's Law, too, by comparing Hitler and You-Know-Who! Sorry, but I don't feel like engaging in that kind of rubbish bin talking anymore.
In other news, the "What We Believe In" petition is going strong, even though it is too soft on JRK and does not call for a proper ban of book 7 or readership striking action. I believe all True Fans must take the time to sacrifice a minute of their day and just sit down and sign this petition. Here is what I wrote when I signed this monumental document:
This is one of the travesties of all time. One of the most unstoppable love stories ever put into print has now been put into the trash compactor and squished, and all the True Fans will not stand for this desecration of author/reader trusting. How could someone set up this kind of ageless, timely love epic and then within a few pages tear it up so fully? If you are a True Fan of Harry Potter and what the series stands for - ie a community of fans living and breathing and enjoying the story that has been developing all along - then you will sign this petition and have things fixed again for all to notice. A narrow grouping of insideous R/H shippers has taken over the online society of fans and now we need to take it back, it is the ONLY way to save this stoy from the hurricane of tradgedy that has overtaken it and taken it to a place where proper story arcs are disregarded in favorite of rediculous love twists and fancible flights of fiction.
JKR's new name for all to know is now JRK because that is more in tune with her cavalry disregard for her fans - add an 'E' into those initials and you will understand what points I am communicating for all. Just because some R/H shippers were able to hijack an interview with JRK does not mean their point of views are truth, and just because they have been able to hand it up with the author does not make their believes correct. The mannors displayed in this interview are truly disgusting and all True Fans deserve an apology from these ideologically obsessed and elitist web site owners. Visit my website for a site for True Fans. Long live this and all H/H petitions.
We need more H/H fans, the true believers who are not afraid to be yelled at on the internet by the sheep who follow JRK at any cost, to get engaged. Harry and Hermione's love was cut short after only a few sweet, short books.
Oh and P.S.: somebody mentioned that I made a spelling mistake somewhere about saying H/H fangirls instead of R/H fangirls. Uh, ok. I think most people could understand that sentence if they were reading it within the context of the sentence. Sorry if you cannot read those things within context...